Xray & Hudy linjaan kuuluu myös FX-Engines.
Tälle kaudelle Uutuutena tulee FX K5 moottori, joka on kehitetty viime vuoden moottorista. K5 moottori tulee DC mallina eli Diamond Coated kampiakselilla sekä keraamisilla laakereilla. Moottori tulee saataville pelkkänä moottorina sekä combona pillin ja pakosarjan kanssa.
Laadultaan ja tarkkuudeltaan tuttua Hudy laatua jota enempää tuskin tarvitsee hehkuttaa.
http://www.fx-engines.com/ (http://www.fx-engines.com/)
FX K5 DC official release
FX presents the new high-competition 1/8 off-road racing engine K5 DC. The new K5 engine is
based on the ultra-successful 5K engine and brings all the refinements and improvements based
on the experiences collected from the previous racing seasons resulting into European vice-
Champion title.
The new K5 features new sealed combustion chamber with larger surface for improved heat
transition to the engine head, new redesigned lightweight engine head with improved cooling,
new carburetor with new needles which help to improve easier carburetor setting and ensures
more linear power of the engine and plenty of other refinements of smallest details based on
improved manufacturing processes.
The new K5 comes in DC version which means it has DLC diamond coated crankshaft and high-
precision German rear ceramic bearing and premium Japanese front bearing. The K5 is available
as a separate engine or in a great value combo with muffler & manifold.
FX kuljetustuotteena löytyy myös reppu uutuutena
* Tyylikäs design
* Näppärä runko
* Ilmastoitu selkäpehmuste
* Kompakti
* Kevyt
* Laadukkaat materiaalit
* Verkkotaskut sivuilla
* Komposiittisoljet
FX Moottoreista julkaistaan sarja haastatteluja ja syväluotaavia esittelyjä moottorista ja tekniikasta.
http://www.insidelinerc.com/off-road/insidelinerc-fx-no-limits-interview-series/ (http://www.insidelinerc.com/off-road/insidelinerc-fx-no-limits-interview-series/)
Martin Bayer aloittaa tämän sarjan joten kannattaa lukaista läpitte:
http://www.insidelinerc.com/off-road/fx-no-limits-with-martin-bayer/ (http://www.insidelinerc.com/off-road/fx-no-limits-with-martin-bayer/)
Viimeisimmät päivitykset löydät kätevästi FX:n Facebooks sivuilta:
https://www.facebook.com/fxengines/posts/569034453272281 (https://www.facebook.com/fxengines/posts/569034453272281)
FX K3 DC - 3 Ports, DLC, Ceramic bearings
FX presents the all-new K3 engine that was engineered and designed to provide a more linear power delivery, with higher top-end RPM compared to the K5 engine. The best performance is ensured using the new FX 2131 muffler, which was specifically designed for the K3 engine.
The K3 is a premium, high-performance 1/8 off-road engine designed for high-competition racing. Features include: 3 ports, silicone-filled diamond-coated crankshaft, premium Japanese front bearing, and ceramic German rear bearing. The K3 is an extremely reliable and powerful engine suitable for any race track and racing conditions.
All the finest engineering and craftsmanship has gone into the concept, design, creation, and finishing of FX Engines. This engine and all of its parts were designed and manufactured by FX in-house in Slovakia, Europe from the finest European materials and using the most advanced Swiss, German, and Italian technologies. Even the crankcase was die cast in-house using fully-robotic die-casting technology.
All parts are individually measured and inspected, and all dimensions are recorded to ensure a full manufacturing & assembly record of every single part. Each engine includes a manufacturing certificate that records all important serial numbers and measurements so that, at any time, all details of the production –material batch, machine programs, responsible craft persons and production dates – can be traced back to the beginning.
• 3-port, high-competition 1/8 off-road engine
• 14mm high-precision, silicone-filled crankshaft
• DLC Diamond-coated crankshaft
• CNC-machined silicium piston
• Designed and manufactured in Slovakia, Europe
• Engine manufacturing certificate included
• Displacement: 3.5cc
• Bore: 16.40mm
• Stroke: 16.40mm
• Weight: 349g
• Max. power: 2.6 HP @ 34,000 RPM
• Practical range: 4,000-42,000 RPM
• Ports: 3 transfer ports
• Piston: CNC-machined silicium
• Sleeve: CNC-machined brass, hard chrome plated
• Front ball-bearing: 7x19mm, made in Japan
• Rear ball-bearing: 14x25.8mm ceramic, made in Germany
• Crankshaft: 14mm
• Carburetor: Alloy body with thermal isolation; 3-needle with modular venturi
• Glow plug: X3
• Exhaust position: Rear
• X3 glow plug
• Exhaust gasket
• Cylinder-head shim
• Carburetor venturi
• 3mm dust cap
• 6mm dust cap
• 16mm dust cap
• 18mm dust cap
Uutta K301 konetta puskee
http://fi.eurorc.com/product/13900/fx-k301-engine---3-ports---dlc---ceramic-bearing (http://fi.eurorc.com/product/13900/fx-k301-engine---3-ports---dlc---ceramic-bearing)
K301 korvaa vanhan K3 koneen tuoden nipun parannuksia vanhaan. Laadullisesti parempi ja komponenteiltaan parempi.
• 3-port, high-competition 1/8 off-road engine
• 14mm high-precision, silicone-filled crankshaft
• DLC Diamond-coated crankshaft
• CNC-machined silicium piston
• Designed and manufactured in Slovakia, Europe
• Engine manufacturing certificate included
• Displacement: 3.5cc
• Bore: 16.40mm
• Stroke: 16.40mm
• Weight: 349g
• Max. power: 2.6 HP @ 34,000 RPM
• Practical range: 4,000-42,000 RPM
• Ports: 3 transfer ports
• Piston: CNC-machined silicium
• Sleeve: CNC-machined brass, hard chrome plated
• Front ball-bearing: 7x19mm, made in Japan
• Rear ball-bearing: 14x25.8mm ceramic, made in Germany
• Crankshaft: 14mm
• Carburetor: Alloy body with thermal isolation; 3-needle with modular venturi
• Glow plug: X3
• Exhaust position: Rear
FX Engines on julkaissut uuden kuluttajaystävällisemmin hinnoitellun K501R Racer Edition moottorin.
Moottori on nyt tilattavissa ja taatusti mielenkiintoinen vaihtoehto kesäkaudelle M8-autoihin.
http://fi.eurorc.com/product/20018/fx-k501r---5-ports---racer-edition---nitro-engine (http://fi.eurorc.com/product/20018/fx-k501r---5-ports---racer-edition---nitro-engine)
• 5-port, high-competition 1/8 off-road engine
• 14mm high precision silicone-filled crankshaft
• CNC-machined silicium piston
• Designed and manufactured in Slovakia, Europe
• Engine manufacturing certificate included
• Displacement: 3.5cc
• Bore: 16.26mm
• Stroke: 16.80mm
• Weight: 349g
• Max. power: 2.65 HP @ 33,000 RPM
• Practical range: 4,000-39,000 RPM
• Ports: 5 Transfer Ports
• Piston: CNC-machined silicium
• Sleeve: CNC-machined brass, hard chrome plated
• Front ball-bearing: 7x19mm, made in Japan
• Rear ball-bearing: 14x25.8mm ceramic, made in Germany
• Crankshaft: 14mm
• Carburetor: Alloy body with thermal isolation; 3-needle with modular venturi
• Glow plug: X3
• Exhaust position: Rear
Bruno Coelho voitti Euroopan Mestaruuden FX Moottoreilla.
FX moottorisarjoista löytyy vaihtoehdot kilpakäyttöön ja toki myös harrastajalle. Siinä missä kilpakuski arvostaa hyvää tehokäyrää ja polttoainetaloudellisuutta niin tavan harrastajan kannalta varmasti tärkeää on myös se, että FX koneet ovat helppo säätää ja toimivat laajallakin säätöalueella.
FX moottorivalikoimaan pääset tutustumaan täällä:
http://fi.eurorc.com/category/570/fx (http://fi.eurorc.com/category/570/fx)