

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen


Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Näytä viestit valikko

Viestit - Filip Reuterberg

Yes it is ok if the sites are only in Finnish. Thanks to google translate I can read Finnish sites to ;) I even managed to register here, even though it took a while to figure out what animal is the king of the forest is in Finland (In Sweden the moose is king of the forest ;)

The problem is that it's very hard to search for sites in Finnish but if I have the link to them it will not be a problem to read them.

If you could help me with a link to the auto federation (car sport federation for RC cars,for example in Sweden it is http://www.sbf.se and the rc federation in Sweden in http://www.radiostyrdbilsport.nu) and also one or more clubs that have a link-page for Finnish clubs.

It would be nice to have some sites to read about what is happening in Finland that I can post on RSB.se. My goal is to add all competitions in Scandinavia in the Calendar.

I am writing a guide to rc-car racing in Scandinavia (on http://rsb.se) and is looking for links to the Finnish Automobile Sports Federation for RC cars and the clubs.

I am also looking for a calender of upcoming Finnish races.

Could anyone be so kind to help me out with this task?

Your Sincerely
Filip Reuterberg
Radiostyrda Bilar - rsb.se