

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

DHI Cup 2006

Aloittaja kentech, 15.11.05 - klo: 21.40


DHI Cup 2006 - First International Race Of 2006


The countdown to the 2006 edition of the DHI Cup has begun, and you can sign up for the race starting by tomorrow (Wednesday) - November 16th. from 18.00 (CET). This time the DHI Cup has managed to attract some of this planets best RC drivers, something which is to very proud of. Star drivers need star treatment, that meant the globe was searched to find the best announcer, guess who ? Scotty Ernst from the United States. Jesper Brix from Denmark will accompany him in the speaker booth and both will be making sure that the 2006 DHI Cup will be a fantastic experience, for drivers and spectators alike.

The battle is on for the DHI Cup trophy, and drivers like Barry Baker, Teemu Leino, Marc Rheinard, Surikarn, Craig Drescher, David Spashett, Juho Levänen, Andy Moore, Jonas Kaerup, Steen Graversen and many many more will be trying to prevent Atsushi Hara from taking his third consecutive victory.

This is your chance to visit the home of Hans Christian Andersen, world famous writer and poet, and experience first hand the hospitality of the danish people. If you want to be part of the world class experience, you can sign up from Wednesday November 16th. at 18:00 CET.
Complete rules for the 2006 edition, links to accomodation, location and general info can be reached at //www.dhi-cup.dk


Huomatkaa että tuolla on STOCK luokassa moottorina 19 lankainen V2 Element moottori, joka sisältyy osallistumismaksuun samoin kuin renkaat..

Stock motor: 19 turn V2 Element only with ball bearing and fixed timing. No modifications allowed.

Oliskohan TSP luokasta lähtijöitä ?
..Captain, we have some problems..
" we have nothing right on the left side and nothing left on the right side"


Ali hei. Ei olla vielä edes käyty råttissakaan :mrgreen:

Hmm... 100e sis. renkaat ja (Heuli v-powah) moottorin :wink:  

Pitääpä miettiä asiaa...
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Ei varmaan tarvi enää miettiä, puolessa tunnissa yli 100 halukasta Stock luokkaankin..
..Captain, we have some problems..
" we have nothing right on the left side and nothing left on the right side"


Oho!! Sinnehän on tunkua kuin meidän a-8 kisoihin :mrgreen:

mitenhän ne karsii ylimääräiset pois :roll:
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