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Kilpailukutsu HoBao-HPI WInterCup 2005/2006 Virossa

Aloittaja RandoMere, 05.12.05 - klo: 15.31


HoBao-HPI WinterCup 2005/2006 third race will take place near city of Kose (Roogoja) on 10. november 2005.

Date: 10.detsember 2005
Place: Roogoja RC racing track near city of Kose (Map and driving directions: http://www.hobi.ee/up/failid/roogoja_racetrack.pdf)
End of registration: 9.00
Timing: AMB (Handout transponders, Personal ponders can't be used)
Fee: 150 eek (~ 10 eur - can be paid in EUR also)

Race director: Rando Mere
Timer: Tanel Kärp
Speaker: Tanel Kärp
Track Manager: Andres Kivistik
Ass. Track Manager: Taavi Kivistik
Tech. Inspection: to be confirmed
Radio impound: to be confirmed
Official cameraman: Gerog Liigand, Skyfilm productions

Please send your registrations before 5.december, there will be no onsite registrations. Racingfee will be paid on spot.
Registration form can be found here: http://www.hobi.ee/in/
Not that you have to be at racetrack before 9:00 to receive your details about race. First heat starts at 9:30

NB. Organisers reserve right to deny racers wish to race for club class cup dependant on his/hers previous results.

Prizes: First 3 of Monster Truck and first 3 of 1:8 Rallycross will receive cups + 2 best club class drivers in 1:8 Rallycross receive cups + best young driver receives cup. Prizes are donated by Elitec solutions. Winner of wintercup in 1:8 rallycross class will receive the HoBao flagship model Hyper 8 PRO, overall winner in MT class will receive a HPI Savage SS with s-25 engine.

Note for MT racers: Your car has to comply to all the rules set to specific class. As an exeption, it is allowed to race with 1:10 scale cars, racers that drive 1:10 cars are not competeing for the overall win of MT class though.
If you want to race but didnt manage to send your application on 5.th of december, please do send your application, I will do my best to get you into racing.