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Kilpailukutsu WinterCup 2007|2008

Aloittaja RandoMere, 17.08.07 - klo: 20.07


Greetings to all racers,
I'm sorry for writing in englkish, but if I did try to write finnish you would end up reading something that you could make no sence of :) so here goes.

As the time passes, we have once again found ourselves reacing the end of offroad seasons and thus approaching the dark and cold winter. But real offroad racers dont care of bad weather, snow, ice and sometimes water, they are outside racing...
This is how the winter usually came in the Baltics, but this scenario is now history as we are over and done with this type of racing. HOBI.ee in co-operation with autopilots.lv and rc-cars.lt are proud to present you the Estonian winter racing series. WinterCup 2007|2008. No more will we defy the forces of nature risking our health, cars and electronics. We are happy to inform all the racers and spectators that the legendary race-series (that will be raced for the fourth season) has decided to move indoors, for the whole season! We hope that by taking off the risk factors associated with the forces of nature we should experience some of the finest racing ever seen in the Baltic region.

Location: HOBI.ee racetrack @ Järve Horse Manege, Harjumaa (near Tallinn)
Track: Different layout for each race on an area of 60x25m
Surface: soft and changing top layer, with concrete base
Racers comfort: Indoor racing (with ventilation); indoor pitting (with tables for no less than 25 racers); cafeteria with hot and cold food and drinks; Wifi; TV; WC; Sauna; 220 and 12V availeable. Accomodation possibilities in the same house with the track and all the infrastructure.
Calendar: one day races on every second saturday of each month from october to march, 6 races total, five best to count.
Classes: 1:8 IC Buggy; Truggy, 1:6 offroad; Open
(all semifinals 15 minutes, all mains 30 minutes, except Open class, where three 5 minute mains will be run (electric class style))
Regulations: Race will be run according to EFRA regulations. Individual class rules to be announced.
Racefee: 250kr/~16eur, for racers of under 16 years of age, racefee will be 150kr/~10eur
Timing: AMB rc3 timing system to be used with personal transponders. Rental transponders availeable at a cost of 150kr/~10eur. For racers under 16 years of age rental transponders cost 50kr/~3eur

Warm-up? - September 2007!
Keep looking back for more information.
Sponsors welcome."

Rando Mere