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Invitation to Estonian offroad series Wintercup 08/09

Aloittaja tony012, 30.10.08 - klo: 12.27


Tervee, kaverit Suomesta.
Tämä postitus on kutsuu Teille osallistumaan Viron talvi offroad sarjaan.
Jos Teillä tulee lisä kysymyksiä niin ottakaa yhteyttä, mutta tämä tarkempi juttu on kirjoitettu englanniksi.

Tony Lattik

Invitation to Estonian offroad series Wintercup 08/09

WinterCup (2008|2009) series will be held for 5-th season in a row. For past few years it has been international raceseries; Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian RC racers have raced there together with Estonians. What's different from previous years? In addition we have 1:8 buggy and 1:8 truggy electric conversion class, and a new organizer, Greenforest.

The races will traditionally take place on the second saturday of each month on the following dates:
11. October 2008 – already done...
8. November 2008 - Jälgimäe (done...)
13. December 2008 - Jälgimäe (done...)
10. January 2009 - Jälgimäe (done...)
14. February 2009 - Jälgimäe
14. March 2009 - Jälgimäe

All the races will be held indoors. We are using a mini motocross hall for our events.

We are using AMB transponders for timing. Those can be rented also at racetrack.

1:8 Buggy
1:8 Truggy
1:8 Electric conversions (both buggies and truggies are in the same race)
1:5 & 1:6 both AWD & 2WD all in same race
OPEN (all cars that doesn't fit into other classes)
Also we have a separate race for youngsters (U14). This is last race of the day. Usually elder racers borrow their cars to youngsters and help them as mechanics.

Timeline of the race day.
We start usually at 8.00 am and we are trying to finish at 8:00 pm. The exact timeline will be announced at racetrack. Timeline depends on the amount of racers.

Administrative info.
Map for the track of Jälgimäe:

http://regio.ee/?op=archive&id=24&e=536045&n=6575127&zoom=10&name=WinterCup 2008|2009&symbol=ring&color=ff0000&opacity=80

Please pay attention to the fact that the track is not accessible via the intersection directly north from the Jälgimäe track, racers must use the Jälgimäe-Saku road slightly to the East from track, instead.
We provide indoor pit area for competitors (or tent).
Our guests and racers can purchase a warm meal at racetrack, also hot and cold refreshments are available. We are trying to keep price level low.
Toilets and shower facilities are also available at racetrack.
We can't accommodate our guests, but if necessary we can advise you about hostels and hotels.

For more information you can contact me, I can speak finnish also.

Tony Lattik                                                                                        tony012@hot.ee                                                                                 +37253314607
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Registration is open now for next Wintercup race...

You can register yourself to our next Wintercup race via registration form, that you can find there: http://register.modelcar.ee
There you should first create an account and then insert your models data (class, brand, transponder id (or rental)  and also frequences...
After doing that just pick Wintercup from events and register... nice and easy.

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP



In our last race (october) there was 1 finnish driver listed, but didn't show up...
"isien päivää ilmestyi"...

Next race will be held on 13.december 2008...

Our OPEN class was originally planned to be a mix class for 1:10 electrical and 1:8 nitro monstertrucks and of course for everything between them... but now it appears, that there are mostly 1:10 electric buggies...
So do not worry about tha class name OPEN... it is race for 1:10 electric buggies, both 4WD and 2WD are in same class... motors and batteries are free... also tyres...

Hope to see you soon...

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Registration is open now 3rd Wintercup race...

You can register yourself to our next Wintercup race via registration form, that you can find there: http://register.modelcar.ee
Site works also in english, just set language...
There you should first create an account and then insert your models data (class, brand, transponder id (or rental)  and also frequences...
After doing that just pick Wintercup from events and register... nice and easy.

Hope you can beat Latvians, last time they where there in 2 persons... :evil:

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Our 3rd race was held on 13.dec... no finnish drivers... :huh:

Hope to see you in our next  rces; Wintercup 08/09 4th leg.

Event will be held 10.january 2009 at Jälgimäe racetrack.

You can see the track in the following clip. This was a clip we produced for tv news... the track in this clip is the same track we are having a Wintercup race.


Hope to see you...

Hyvää joulua Viron RC porukkan puolelta teille kaikkille!

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


On our next race (10.01.2009) we have rearranged the schedule of races...

According to finnish drivers wishes we have arranged so, that 1:8 IC buggy final will be driven first, then 1:5 and truggy finals; so finnish drivers (usually in this class) can make to the last ferry from EST to FIN (20:00).

The rgistration to our next race will be soon open in address: register.modelcar.ee

If we see more finnish drivers and classes they are racing, we can also make adjustments on schedule, but still we have had pricegiving ceremony between 8 and 9 PM...

We can try to find solution for accomodation, but we need a little prenotice for that.

With best wishes...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Kas se february kuu vöistlus on kindel. Peab ju proneerima hotellid ja laivad. Soome  koolides on selleajal talve puhkus. hakkab varsti koik olema broneeritud.


January, february and march are sure things... When it comes to organizing things, then we have done all organizing for all 6 events... So the track, timing, catering etc all is already organized...

I'm pretty sure, that we can assist you with bookings even for january race.

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


I have my daughter birthday at same day so its hard to come, but february is ok, we will book boat tickets in next week. have you use any covers in engine when you have raced(weather is very cold in february?)


Some drivers have been using covers vhen the temperature is below -10 degrees...
Temperature inside the hall is Usually few degrees higher than outside.

And also a boat trip to Estonia could be good birthday present to a daughter... :evil:
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


The registration is now open for our next WinterCup race. You can find it at the site: register.modelcar.ee

There is also rough timeline:
07.00:00 Timed training
09.00:00 Qualification rounds

14:15:00 Buggy Semi
14:47:00 Open F1
15:09:00 Truggy Semi
15:41:00 Large scale Semi
16:13:00 Buggy Final
17:15:00 Open F2
17:47:00 Truggy Final
18:39:00 Large scale Final
19:31:00 Open F3
19:53:00 Race of youngsters qualification
20:25:00 Race of youngsters final

Some questions finnish drivers been asking:

*What should be the place to put into navigator? Answer: Juuliku village... it is not right in the spot, but then you are already nearby... we put out some signs to the roads nearby aswell...
You can also contact me via selfphone; +37253314607.

*Wich tyres are you use in this track? How is the track to drive? Answer: Proline or GRP, usually soft cubic pattern... Surface is hardpacked, but some dust on it... we are watering the track few times per event... when its cold, the watering can cause some ice also... Track is not very engine demanding, no difficult acceleration points... mostly smooth jumps and walled curves. Be prepared, that mechanics and pit area is not below the driver stand, but almost 25 m away, you will have a visual contact with pitcrew, but don't count on shouting...:) Racemaster can maybe duplicate your shouting there, but generally think about some waving etc...

*Can we make it to the last ferry (20.00)? Answer: we have rescheduled our event the way, that 1:8 IC buggy final will be driven first, then 1:5 and truggy finals; so finnish drivers (usually in this class) can make to the last ferry from EST to FIN (20:00).

If there will be more questions please contact me via e-mail or telephone.

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Good afternoon.

In our last race we had many finnish drivers present...
Tomi Mairue was driving quite fast at buggy final, but due to technical reasons ended up in 6th place.
Other finnish drivers: Tommy Alho had strong fight at semifinal... at results you can see, that he needed to be 20 seconds faster to get to the final, but actuelly the semi itself was really strong fight between 4 drivers, who competed for last 2 final place... Actuelly Tommy was fastest, but it was difficult to pass the others...
Other finnish drivers suffered a bitter technical failures during semi...

6. Tomi Mairue 
11. Tommi Alho 
17. Petri Nirkkonen
19. Jukka Häkämies
20. Matti Jokelainen

Truggy race was also interesting; also 1 finnish driver in final...
4. Matti Jokelainen
14. Petri Nirkkonen

All results can be fond at: http://register.modelcar.ee/docs/wintercup0809/leg4/index.php

Our next race will be held on 14. February... Valentines day...
Hope to see even more happy and friendly finnish drivers...
Wish to you all a better luck next time...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


when does the registration starts for next race?


Good morning.

The registration for our Wintercup 08/09 5th leg is already open in address: www.register.modelcar.ee

Hope to see more finnish drivers there in our race...

Wish you a good luck... and better results this time...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Registration is open but the date is wrong, information was that race will be held 14.2 not 7.2 wich date is correct. We have booked hotels and boat to 14.2????????
Ok, i open my eyes now, there was a correct date Sorry!!!


From registration  page You looked wrong event, Akaver.com event... this is kind of organized training day, and it is organized outdoors... they clean up our Luige track and the is possibility to have trainig day with timing etc...

Our Wintercup is on 14. february... In a moment there is 17 registered drivers in buggy class, and there is 7 finnish drivers listed... nice...

See you in the end of week...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Once again nice race is off... Our 5th leg... there was a many racers there this time, more than 60 cars was lined up... in different classes of course...
Big finnish contingent this time also; 6 of them in buggy and 3 on truggy class...

Results... not so good as estonians were affraid of... :evil:

This time there was no finnish drivers in buggy final... all finnish drivers ended up in semifinal. I quess they can share the reasons, but it seemd like almost all finns where driving brand new cars, so the setups where one reason for sure. In the other hand the track is tricky, no difficult curves; but still many ways to drive on the track, and lot of point where to choose between long jump or few smaller pumps... My personal opinion is, that Estonians have been racing on this track longer, so we are more used to this track...


12. Jouni Hiltunen
13. Niko Andersson
16. Jukka Häkämies
18. Tuomo Örling
19. Jani Hovi
20. Petri Nirkkonen


Once again Matti Jokelainen made it to final and drove nicely...

6. Matti Jokelainen
14. Niko Andersson
16. Petri Nirkkonen

Last leg of Wintercup 08/09 will be driven in 14th of March.
Bare in mind, that there is not only buggy and truggy classes... we drive also large scale, 1:10 electric class and also 1:8 electric conversion class... Could be nice chance to try 1:8 electric car in copetition... our final for 1:8 conversions is 20 min long, quite challenging... one of racers used 7400 mAh of his 8000 mAh LiPo battery... others changed battery during race... interesting to race and also watch...

Hope to see even more finnish racers there...

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Thanks for good racing day! We came from Finland with best Estonian Rock music ever(Kolumbus Kris) and they were playing only terrible disco music :evil: Next time please do not put any timetable on the wall if you are not going to follow it. There was truggy semifinal start 15.18 and it starts 14.50 ofcourse we missed the start. We notice that practice will help on that track, but it was a good training day for team HoBao.


registration page is not working.

edit: now it works  :grin:
-JQ Products- BULLITT -Piranha- -Hobby Factory-


Yes, it is working...

As few finnish drivers asked us to try to organize a trainingsession on friday, 13.march...
I think we can start at 4 PM... I'll let you know through this forum there... I know, that this training will cost some money, we have already paid rent for only raceday, not previous day. If there is going to be more interest we can share the costs with more people.

We are sorry about last race timetable, this was bit unusual to us to be ahead of schedule... this time we try to follow the plan... and also we will put up a bigger and clearer timetable.

This will be our last race in Wintercup 08/09 series. Althogh in buggy class EST Siim Sildver is already won the whole series, we still expect a strong fight for round 6 victory...
Hope to see you there racing with us...
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Olivat näköjään hieman nostaneet paikkojen määrää. Tässä ilmoittautuneet tällä hetkellä:

Joonas Vuojolahti   Finland   Hong Nor X2-CR-Pro   OS   Ootel
Matti Honkanen   Finland    Hong Nor X2-CR-Pro   GRP   Ootel
Jouni Hiltunen   Finland   Hobao Hyper 9   OS SPEED   Ootel
Juha Sartesuo   Finland   Kyosho Mp-9   Orion   Ootel
Tomi Salonen   Finland   Mugen MBX-6   GRP   Ootel
Tommi Alho   Finland   Kyosho 777WC   RB   Ootel
Petri Mylläri   Finland   Hong Nor X2-CR-Pro   OS   Ootel
Jukka Häkämies   Suomi   Ishima Rave M1.0 R   AxeRossi   Ootel

Tõnis Lattik   EST   Kyosho Inferno777 sp2   Sirio   Ootel
Margus Hanvere   Estonia   HoBao Hyper 9   O.S SPEED   Ootel
Andres Käver   Estonia   XRAY 808   RB   Ootel
Eero Tuhkanen   Eesti   HoBao Hyper 8.5   OS MAX-21VZ-B V-SPEC   Ootel
Matti Jokelainen   FINLAND   OCM KAOS DT19-EVO   GO   Ootel
Simo Ahoniemi   Finland   Mugen MBX6   GRP   Ootel

Kuldar Ilus      Hobao Hyper 8.5   GRP   Ootel
Mika Kettunen   Finland   HotBodies D8   OS   Ootel
Petri Nirkkonen   FINLAND   OCM KAOS DT19-EVO   GO   Ootel

Ahti Järvet   estonia   hobao hyper 8.5   os   Ootel
Siim Sildver   Estonia   XRAY XB8   RB   Ootel
Tuomo Örling   Finland   OCM Kaos DT-19 RTR   GO   Ootel
Jarno Siltanen   Finland   Mugen MBX6   GRB   Ootel

Jaanus Saare   EST   HoBao Hyper 8   OS   Ootel
Tõnu Taalimäe   Eesti   Piktor Rush 2   Falcon   Ootel
Einar Viira   Eesti   AE RC8   AE   Ootel
Jörg Miikael Tiit   Estonia   Kyosho MP777 World Champion Edition   RB C6   Ootel
Matti Korvenmaa   Finland   Mugen MBX-6   GRP   Ootel
Taivo Murumäe   Eesti    Team Associated RC8   RB   Ootel
Jonas Nahkor   Eesti   Team Associated RC8   GRP   Ootel
Sander Randver   Eesti   Kyosho Inferno MP777   GRP   Ootel
Indrek Vallner   Eesti   Team Associated RC8FT   RB WS7III   Ootel


Yes. We accept all actuelly... so do not worry about available places... As we can see, the EST racers are moving more to buggy or truggy class, so we do not need those other classes that much... especially OPEN... it is turning soon to 1:10 electric class... and we think, that large scale will have their own competitions... so there will be more time for nitro and electric classes...

I still havent see FIN drivers in OPEN (electric 1:10) class... For us would be very interesting to see how fast those cars can go in hands, that are racing those more than 1 year... As a remainder, we have no limitations in this class, just pick the smaller car than 1:8 and go on... if electric, motor, tyres and batteries are free... And take whatever small nitro or even monstertruck, and lets have fun...

As it seems there are already 5 1:8 electric conversions coming to an event, that means again 20 min final race to them, great challenge and interesting to wach... last time one of racers spent 7400 mAh so huge battery or batterychange is needed...

Still no fresh news about training in friday... but I can esure, that at least something during few hours can be done friday night...

See you..

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Good info Tony. Thanks.

1:10th scale electric is a bit different since we have some quite new (indoor) offroad tracks of our own and people are racing there all the time. I think there's also 1:10th electric race in Finland at the same weekend. Also 1:10th electric track should be quite different from 1:8th scale IC etc track since smaller cars take all the bumps so easily, specially if there's 1:5th scale cars too ripping the surface. We have our own Winter Jumps series for electric buggies too.

I booked ferry and hotel for me and Matti Honkanen and we are set for the practice too if it's going to happen. I just built completely new car, so it would be nice to have a chance to check it before the race. Also it has been ~ 6 months since I last drove 1:8 buggy. Been practicing with 1:10 electric buggy tho. So all practice is welcome.

About hotels. Tallink hotel in the harbour doesn't have garage for those who are intrested. Tallink Spa hotel does, so at least that's the place where we are heading for the night.

Maybe Tony knows more hotels with garage?

Matti Korvenmaa


Actuelly... If you want to stay at citycentre, almost all hotels can provide to you a parkinghouse etc...

If you stay in hotel near track you actuelly will not need a carage... you can build your car already in the event place... the pitarea and also pittent are there already in friday... we think, that in the friday evening you can leave most things there if needed... there has been no thiefaccidents during this winter...

Usually team Ho-Bao Finland has been at hotel Dzingel  I guess... www.dzingel.ee

3 person room is about 65 EUR... Of course its not a 4* hotel, but close to the track and also in a half way from track to harbour...

If there will be more questions please do not hesitate to contact me  via phone if needed...

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Is there any information about the practice?



Practice is GO. Starting from 17:00 today (friday) till midnight.
Price per driver 150 eek (10 eur).

Sometime during evening training there will also be timing installed and available.



Juttelin Jounin kanssa niin Juha sartesuo on mennyt kovaa ja myös Tommi Alho. Näätä Kettunen ajoi muutaman kierroksen ja aloitti illan mekkaamiset sitten ja luultavasti ne istuu tällä hetkellä  baarissa siemailemassa sakua ja juttelevat mennen aikojen rc-jutuista, se on vähän sama kuin kaverit alkavat puhua hylsy juttuja niin me puhutaan rc-auto juttuja.


Alkuerät on nyt ajettu ja Suomen legendaarisin lahtelainen on ajannut 11sekunnin TQooooot. Oli hiukan onnellinen kuin äsken juttelin. Juhalla on orionin koneet sammuileet. Muuten on Suomen porukalla mennyt hyvin 15 joukossa oli vissiin 10 Suomalaista.


Kisan voitti Simo Ahoniemi Mugen MBX-6 autolla. Simo ei polttiskrossia ole aikaisemmin ajanut, joten suoritus oli todella hyvä. Ensimmäisen tankin autolla Simo ajoi perjantaina treeneissä.

Finaalissa lisäksi oli Sartesuo, Hiltunen ja Vuojolahti. Näidän tarkkoja sijoituksia en muista, mutta Vuojolahti taisi olla 6. Sartesuo mahdollisesti 5. ja Hiltunen ilmeisesti jossain hieman alempana. Eiköhän tulokset kohta tule julki.

Finaalin ulkopuolelta semeissä Salonen, Siltanen, Häkämies ja allekirjoittanut olivat jossain sijoilla 11-14 about. Lopullisia tuloksia kun en kerennyt näkemään ennen lähtöä.