

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Some questions from a German Driver

Aloittaja MTX_Driver[Ger], 16.06.03 - klo: 18.12


First I want to say Hello. A little bit about myself: Maybe you already recognized it, I come from Germany, I'm 17 years old and driving a Mugen MTX-3 here in Germany. And now I´m sure you want to know why I'm telling that all to you..? My Mother comes from Finnland (and the half of my Familei lives around Helsinki) and because of that we are almost every year there. And now I just found out that in Finnland are also some very nice tracks to drive...

And so I'm also glad that some people in Finnland are also enjoing this Hobby ;)

Now my Question is: Where near Helsinki (Vantaa, Espoo...) can I run my Nitro car? We are driving with the car to Finnland and so thats no Problem to carry all the stuff with me.

So can you tell me where I can drive an how mutch it cost? A good Shop in Helsinki or around Helsinki with Mugen Spare, parts Tires... would be also very Nice. In Helsinki I only know the Shop near the Train Station on the other side of the Cinema ( if its stell there...? Every time I come to Helsinki almost every thing has changed.)  :)

Over some Informations I would be very Happy and a description how I can get there, would be also good.

greets from Germany

P.S: Sorry about my bad English remember the Pisa Study, and my Finnish would be more crueler :mrgreen:  :lol:



The only track in Helsinki/Vantaa that is worth of a visit is Tattarisuo. You can find some pictures behind this and a map where it is here. There is also a karting track and the rc-car track is behind it. There is a "Nuorisoasian keskus" over there. If you know somebody who understands finnish
is more descriptions how to get there.

Track is open monday-friday 12-20 and saturday-sunday 12-18. Practicing on the track doesn´t cost anything. If you drive your car on thursday there can be many electric cars (club night for those) with you and some of the drivers might not like it if somebody drives gas car (only a guess).  The local club arranges club competitions for electric powered cars on 7.8. and 21.8. , and gas cars (200mm touring) on 5.8. and 19.8.

I know one (probably the only in Finland) shop that sells Mugen parts and it is only a mail-order shop so they usually send your orders in mail. Call there and ask if it is possible to retvieve goods from the warehouse. Shops website: http://www.rc-kauppa.com/ and phone number is +35850-382 5988. The shop you talked about might be Hobby Point or Pro Hobby. There are also two (maybe even more than two) more shops here in Helsinki; Tietonikkari and RC-Superstore.

If you don´t understand something ask more.

P.S. Have a good vacation in Finland.

edited: When you this kind of sign you are at the destination. Picture: http://koti.welho.com/tkauppin/tattarisuo/radalle6.jpg


Tuli tässä vaan mieleen että mtx_driverillehan voisi kertoa tästä mmr polttistouring kisasta. Esim Mattim voisi varmastikkin kääntää sen kilpailukutsun.

ps: jätän oman enkku sönkötyksen muiden hartijoille...


tuukka.m thought that somebody could tell to you about the nearest bigger compatition "MMR Polttistouring" in 29.6.2003.
The track were competition isn´t Tattarisuo, it´s some were in Hyvinkää (about 60 kilometers from Helsinki). Someone could tell more about the track location.  You need also a license for that. I don´t know is German license admissable. You could ask it from a guy whose pen name in this forum is Tumppi. The whole invitation for the competion is here: http://forum.wmhost.com/viewtopic.php?t=3179 .

That track can´t be very bad because they organize Finnish champs there. If you have time that track could be also a reckoned alternative for Tattarisuo.

tuukka.m: Olisit nyt edes yrittänyt. Ei se minunkaan englanti mitään hyvää ole; täynnä prepositio- ja konjunktio virheitä + muut päälle.


Mark, schaue Dein privates Postfach an.


nitro action in tattarisuo on tuesdays and saturdays. welcome, its even free!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "jarkkom"nitro action in tattarisuo on tuesdays and saturdays. welcome, its even free!

Well, you can go driving any day of the weak, the track is open from 12am to 8pm, although nitrocars and electric cars can't drive at the same time, because they have different track profiles and unfortunately those profiles cross each other at several points.  
You can ask someone to show you the profiles, if you go there.



thanks for the many long an many answers! And Finnish to unterstand or even to talk is no big problem for me but writing would be to cruel, so... ;)
I was also wondering where the Champions like Levänen etc.. are driving in Finnland. (Saw him at the Touring Car Masters this year in Germany...)  But now I'm very suprised how many Tracks in Finnland are. So thnks for the Tipps and Phone numbers etc.!

@VesaK: Jemand der Deutsch kann ist immer gut :)
Ich hoffe das ich in der zeit die ich in Finnland bin nach Hyvinkää komme, sowas will ich mir nicht entgehen lassen. Auf jeden fall schonmal danke für den guten Tipp!

greets from Germany


Mark: I usually practice at the Hyvinkää track. Teemu Leino, Teppo Kauppinen and the Ahoniemi brothers practice there too. I would say its worth the trip going there instead of Tattarisuo.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Juho"Mark: I usually practice at the Hyvinkää track. Teemu Leino, Teppo Kauppinen and the Ahoniemi brothers practice there too. I would say its worth the trip going there instead of Tattarisuo.

And of course, that will be also sightseeing, seeing the track where all the best finnish drivers practise :mrgreen: .


Oh the Master himself ;) Very impressing your Start - Finish Win at the TCM, but dont forget: Germany strikes back next year :wink:

And of Course sightseeing and maybe a little Spy Report would be very usefull for the TCM next Year :mrgreen: