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Invitation to Estonian Wintercup 2009-2010

Aloittaja tony012, 21.09.09 - klo: 11.10


Tervee kaikkille taas.
Täma vuonna ajettaan taas Viron talvisarja... Ajettaan sisällä, mattoradalla...
Tämä aihe ja viesti on kutsuu Teille osallistumaan...

Laitan tänne englanninkielisen jutun lisaksi... jos tulee kysymyksiä, sitten vaan soittelkaa tai kirjoitekaa... Olen kuten edustaja suomalais kuskeille...

Nähdään sitten kilpailuissa...

Tony Lattik

WinterCup 2009/2010

WinterCup race series will be held for sixth consecutive year in a row, and for third year in a row it will be an indoor series. This year majority (or all) of the races will be held at a purpose built RC off-road track in Jälgimäe, at the outskirts of the capital Tallinn. The races will take place on the second Saturday and the following Sunday of each month.

Still for first race, held on 10.oct and 11.oct will still be outdoors, at Luige racetrack. Our indoor track will not be ready for first race. Luige track is very technical track, mostly cravel and lot of carpet is used in curves... There is still possibility that our indoor racetrack will be ready, but we do not count on that.

Race classes to be run:


1:8 Buggy – per EFRA except: Any muffler is applicable, .28 RTR engines are allowed, if mounted on RTR car.
30 minute main final

Large scale off-road 2wd – gasoline powered 2wd off-road cars. 30 minute main final

1:8 electric conversion – 1:8 scale electric buggy and truggy, 3x10 minute finals

1:10 electric – 2wd and 4wd electric cars. 3X10 minute finals.

1:8 Truggy – 1:8 scale truggies: Maximum fuel tank capacity 150ml, minimum weight 3500g ready to run without fuel. 30 minute main final.

Large scale off-road 4wd – gasoline powered 4wd off-road cars. 30 minute main final.

1:10 stock -  2wd/4wd electric cars. >17T open end-bell and >15T closed end-bell brushed motors allowed (12T traxxas motor allowed if bolted on car from factory). >17.5T brushless allowed. Starting fee 150eek for anyone under 14 years of age.

Open – Run what you bring (Large scale not accepted), 20 minute final.
This race is held for everybody, who wants to have another race same weekend... drive whatever you want, except large scale... For example if you run 1:8 buggy on Saturday, and you stay for next day as well, you have possibility to have another race on Sunday... Or if you have 2 engine monster truck and you want to race with it... go on , OPEN class is for you...

1:8 Youth – For anyone under the age of 14 who can find a 1:8 scale car to run, free of charge. 20 min main final.

Starting fee: 300eek per class prepaid (coupons available in local hobby shops or through your POC (Point of Contact)) or 350 eek per class on track. Additional classes 250eek. Pre-registration required.
Registering will be same as it was last year:
There you have to create account, insert your models data and then just pic events from the list. Site also works in english, you can adjust language...
The registering will start during this week.

HOBI.ee off-road track is a purpose built track designed for RC off-road use. The track is astroturf/carpet, 3 meters wide on a surface of 560 square meters with expected lap-times at around 20 seconds.

The facilities / recommendations
Warm pit area with cafeteria
Main hall with lighting
220V electricity (bring your own extensions)
Pit-tables can be rented for 100eek or you can bring your own. Spotlighting recommended.

Where to stay
Hotel Salzburg – http://www.salzburg.ee - (+372) 6 503 965 – Pärnu mnt 555, Laagri – Prices from 36€ per double room - ~5km from racetrack

Hotel Dzingel - http://www.dzingel.ee - (+372) 6 105 102 – Männiku tee 89, Tallinn – prices from 51€ per double room - ~15 km from racetrack

Good to know -

General information – WinterCup(at)hobi.ee

Rando Mere (POC for Estonian drivers; Race master) - (+372) 55 26 421 – rando(at)hobi.ee (EST, ENG, FIN)

Tõnis Lattik (POC for Finnish/Swedish drivers) – (+372) 53 31 4607 – tony(at)hobi.ee (EST, ENG, FIN, RUS)

Andres Käver (POC for Baltic drivers; Technical and timekeeping) - (+372) 50 91 555 – akaver(at)hobi.ee  (EST, ENG, FIN, RUS)

Taxi (from Tallinn port to track ~250eek)
1200 (Tulika), (+372) 6 1200 01 (Taxies for 7 people also available)
1921 (Tallink), (+372) 640 8921

Training possibilities:
Open track on Friday from 14:00- 20:00, training fee 100eek or 50 eek when starting fee is prepaid. For other times contact your POC or treening(at)hobi.ee.
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP



Registration is now open for our event...


This starting fee... Normally each driver purchases himself a coupon with a price 300 EEK, and uses this coupon as a starting fee... Without that coupon starting fee is 350 EEK per class...
To make it smoother and avoid pre-payments to my personal account we (you and me as your POC) agree, that if you register yourself via registration page then send me an e-mail as well... Then I know, that you're certainly coming to event and you will get a coupons from me with normal price also at racetrack...

Remember, that there will be also training day at Friday, so plan your arrival according to that...

If there is questions, please do not hesitate to contact me...

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Good afternoon...

First finnish driver is listed... waiting for others...

This weekend we are already building a track... so we are quite exited...

I hope that I can add some photos from the race area to you also...

So hurry to register yourself via register.modelcar.ee

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Now it is sure, that we are having our race indoors... track is ready and only jumps need more time to do...
Some work with pitlane also...

I haven't seen many finnish racers listed via reg form... We and our nice carpet offroad track are ready for you...

Hope to see you...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP



Tervee taas,

Wintercup 1leg is now done...
Race was good, although there wasn't that much drivers listed... still, the race area and facilities were well tested during our 2 day race...

The track; track was full carpet, one jump, over track... and different fast and slow curves... The lap times where approx 17-18, best lap of the weekend was smthing about 15.7 (electric 1:8)...
Tires; it seemed, that best for this track was old Medial Pro Crystal... we saw some sets on the track during weekend... also Proline Crimefighter M3 was good... but actuelly huge variety of tires were tested, but track itself changed a lot during a day... at the morning the few carpet mats witch where brought from outdoor track where still wet, later small changes of carpets, some fixing etc... so it was difficult... Actually the times improved during the weekend, Saturdays buggy best times were around 17 sek, but on Sunday same guys were driving open class, and the times were less then 16... Was it training or just other conditions, no one knows...
For next race we add some pumps and jumps, but basically the track will remain the same for all Wintercup races...

The pit area; there was a large indoor pit area, heated... There were rental tables and also screen, where you can follow the action at track... Same food providers as last time, so if you have been at our wintercup you know, that there can't be any complaining...

The lights were good, better then last year, but now we demanding more from ourselves, so we are trying to make it even better...

There are some pics from saturday:

At beginning there are mostly pictures from 1:8 electric race, both buggy and truggy in same race... and at the end there are buggy final pictures... and lot of faces also...

Next race will be driven 13.November to 15.November... If you want to have a nice indoor race, good company and nice Wintercup atmosphere, then You can't miss it...

Hope to see you next time...

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Tervee suomalaisille kuskeille...

Our next Wintercup race Leg2 will be driven on 14th and 15th of November at our nice indoor racetrack.

This time we have rearranged a schedule: 1:8 buggy and truggy are driven both on Saturday; and both 2WD and 4WD Largescale classes are driven in Sunday...

As it was last time there will be a practice day also in Friday, the 13th of November...

Our track and facilities are ready for you...

Hope to see you, there is still possibility to win whole series also...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP



Rekisteröinti on nyt avattuu...

Odottamme teitää... meidän nuoret kuskit sanoivat, ettei suomalaiset uskalla tulla ajamaan viroon... ;)

Hope to see you...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP



There is 10 days till next WinterCup race...

Hurry to register... register.modelcar.ee

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


This week already there is next Wintercup race...

Waiting for massiv response and registering...


TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Good morning.

Our WinterCup 2nd Leg is now over. Was fun as always... The track was good and lap times are improving... so everything is good...

As you can see from pictures, even price giving ceremony has been improved, some guys were really ashamed, that they hadn't shaved themselves...

So we still miss Finnish drivers... this time we had couple of Latvians listed...

Next race will be on 12th and 13th of December; training day also on Friday, the 11th...

See you!


PS There is a link to photos from the Saturday:


TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Hi Tony

You should inform such "additions" in time. That definitely raises the event to a completely different level  :tongue:  :grin:
EA-Import Oy Webstore: www.eaimport.net
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Next WinterCup race will be on 12th and 13th of December...

Waiting for you also...

We are improving every time... hope to see you also...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP




Good evening...

Its done for December...

You can follow our action from pictures: http://mudelid.erap.ee

You'll see, that we have made small extra action to the track... technical wall element...

Hope to see you next time...

Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Tervee ...

Onnellista ja myös kaunista Joulunaikaa Teille kaikkille viron RC porukkan puolelta...

Nauttikaa perhestä, saunasta ja kaljasta... ja jos Te ette ole kaikki uuden vuoden jälkeen jossakin etelässä, sitten muistakaa, ette meilla on 4. WinterCup osakilpailu tulossa;
09.-10. 01. 2010

Odottamme ...

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


I hope, that you have survived from celebrations...

There will be 4th leg of Estonian Wintercuo this week...
Registration is open at address: register.modelcar.ee

Hope to see you...

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Hi again...

I want to remind you, that there will be next WinterCup race on 13th and 14th of February...

This time we changed a track a bit, basically racing in the opposite direction... and because of over jump section we have rearranged all jumps position...

Still best food, atmosphere and price giving ceremony in Baltic's and maybe in whole Northern Europe available for everybody...

Note that we are driving also separate race for seniors(and women)... Also could be nice to see your 4WD 1:5/1:6 scale vehicles on our track... And of course we can't wait to see your 1:8 brushless cars...

See you... the registration will be open soon...

Tony Lattik

TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP


Hi all...

It is done for February also now...

This time there was really winter race... we had a long curve covered with ice and also a jump, made of snow...
And we also had a lot of fun... especially when 2wd 1:6 scale cars were driving their 1st qualification round... ;)

We had Latvians there with us also... no finns... :(

You can follow our action through those pictures from link...

And we still waiting for you... Hope to see you in March... 13th and 14th... 12th of March there will be training day also so join us and get ready for new season...


Tony Lattik
TLR 8ight 2.0T / Nova 21-4T / Sanwa
Team Associated TC5 / LRP