

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

X-Factory X-7

Aloittaja mof, 23.04.10 - klo: 10.00


Tosiaan, vain testiautot kyseessä ja tuskin runko on lähellekään samanlainen lopullisessa versiossa, mutta on kyllä mielenkiintoisen näköinen viritys.



XFactory 4WD prototype
Ellis Stafford wasn't doing this well in 4WD last year and with the widely publicised discontinuation of the XFactory X5 4wd buggy - what exactly was Ellis using?

The Xfactory guys were given free reign to run any 4wd chassis over winter to pick up ideas and help develop the next generation of XFactory 4wd - something that clearly seems to have worked since the guys had two new prototype test-mule chassis at Talywain to get some feel for their design concepts.

It has to be said, the guys were very reluctant to allow photographs but we arrogantly snapped away anyway whilst agreeing to mention just how early these prototype cars are - and if the concept doesn't work (which, it does to be honest) the final cars might well share no design elements with these early test cars.

From the outside, these new XFactory development cars are just an X5 - and even looking from beneath you'd be mislead by what appears to be an X5 chassis. The chassis is in fact hand-lengthened by 10mm over the old car which itself was shorter than most. The drivetrain itself is entirely new and uses two equal length belts to take power from the centre to either end. The centre itself is one of the most complex setups we've seen and a real contrast to the previous cars simple single-belt drivetrain design - doing away with all the hype about single-belt efficiency and moving toward the current situation where efficiency takes a back seat to overall balance, performance and usability.

First impressions are that the car has fallen into a bag of gears and some stuck - but joking aside, it's hard to see exactly what's going on. The motor is bang in the centre of the car and I saw several shafts, gears and pullies transferring drive to front and rear via belts as can be seen. Yes, I'm being deliberately vague, by request ;).

It was naughty to take these pics - if XFactory want, we'll take them down. But let's remember - these cars (2 here at Talywain and 1 in the USA) are just test cars with a lot of hand-machined parts bolted onto cobbled together chassis - any final car would look a whole lot different to these. Qualifying 2nd overall shows the potential of the layout however. We'll follow the progress of the cars during the year and report any developments on these early protos.


Joko erikoisuuden tavoittelua tai sitten insinööreillä on loppunu ideat/kiinnostus tohon hommaan.

Suomeksi sanottuna, näytää järkyttävälle härvelille.

edit: tietty kyseessä on protoakin protompi vehe, mutta silti  :lipsrsealed:
Kyosho Ultima SC6 #Sponsored by RCJKL www.rcjkl.fi

Janne A

Lainaus käyttäjältä: MirosHima - 23.04.10 - klo: 10.09
Joko erikoisuuden tavoittelua tai sitten insinööreillä on loppunu ideat/kiinnostus tohon hommaan.

Suomeksi sanottuna, näytää järkyttävälle härvelille.
Toistettu! Ei hitto...


Kyseessä on ns muuli, muuli on laite joka toimii testausalustana ja yleensä muulissa on kaikki säätyvää ja siks tuo varmaan näyttääkin noin järkyttävältä.

Idea tuossa on siis se että koska ei oikeen tiedetä missä kaiken pitäis olla tehdään kaikesta säätyvää ja voidaan testata missä kaiken pitäis olla. Sitten kun tiedetään voidaan tehdä seuraava proto johon voidaan jo fixata puolet kamoista paikalleen.
HobbyWing | Team C | Gens Ace | VistaPower | Orion | Yokomo | Novarossi | TLR
EuroRc.com - Facebook


Kun ei pyydä mitään, ei välttämättä saakaan haluamaansa, mutta kun pyytää paljon, saattaa saada paljon - tai sitten ei.


Losin osia on näköjään käytetty.


Ilmeisesti tuohon testiautoon verrattuna ei juurikaan yhteistä enää ole.


X - 7 Prototype Tested At Cactus Classic

X Factory showed off its new 4WD car for the first time at the recently completed Cactus Classic. As usual, the testing was done in public but without fanfare, so few people realized what they saw.

These photos show the prototype X – 7 with a J Concepts body made for the B44. The production car will have its own body – this one works for now.

"I'm so excited about this car," said Chief Engineer Paul Sinclair. "We don't work outside the box because we have no box. The X – 7 is absolutely revolutionary. You have never seen a driveline like this, you have never seen adjustability this easy or quick. Working on the car is very easy; I can pull a diff, rebuild it, and have the car ready to run in 10 minutes."

Clayton Easley, who drove the car in 13.5 Super-Stock at Cactus, said "The platform is definitely there. We have a long way to go, and we'll have the details worked out in a few months."

These photos show the car run out in Arizona. The blue body was used in practice, and Clayton and Paul's own bodies arrived on Friday for qualifying.

Paul added, "We're working very hard on this project. We will make almost everything on the car – it will be a complete Kit, not a Conversion. This is the first time I've actually designed everything on car from the ground up. There is a long way to go, lots of testing and development. Ellis Stafford will have my original race prototype sometime next week, while I build another for myself. It's much too early to talk about actual production dates, but we hope to have it on the market late this year or spring of 2012."





X-6 autostakin on uusi proto. Huhujen mukaan yksi kappale Suomessa? Kenties MM testiä?


X-6 protosta mitään juttua jossain?
X – 6² | Dex210 | B44.1 | Slash 2wd Anza Evo


Lainaus käyttäjältä: -HL- - 30.03.11 - klo: 18.04
X-6 protosta mitään juttua jossain?

Joissain kuvissa täällä vilahdellut......
Yksissä sisäkisoissakin jo livenä nähty.  :afro:
Lennokkeja ja autoja..... =) JoeUA
Sponsored by oma ja emännän lompakko.


JaAAaa, että sellasta, uskallatko paljastaa kuskia...  :shocked:
X – 6² | Dex210 | B44.1 | Slash 2wd Anza Evo


Pidetään tämä topikki 4wd autolla. Kunhan heitin väliin huhuja :cool: X-6 protolle voi tehdä vaikka oman säikeen :roll:


X – 6² | Dex210 | B44.1 | Slash 2wd Anza Evo


voi kyl sanoo et on mielikuvitusta käytetty tässä autossa  :grin:
Tamiya M03L | TRAXXAS 1/16 E-REVO vxl | Tamiya TT-01D Type E
Joskus viisas mies sanoi 'Less Traction, More action'


Tehtaan suunnalta kuultua:

"At present, we have no plans at all to change anything on the X - 6 Sq.  Of course we have some thoughts, but we are concentrating full attention to the X - 7.  If all goes well, the X - 7 will be in dealers' hands before Christmas.  But remember that caveat:  all the bugs have to be worked out fairly quickly."


 :angry: mikä helkatti näihin kori suunnittelijoihin on mennyt, ihan kalastaja eemelin purkin näkösiä
B4 ft, SCX-10, Ten-SCTE



Space is always very tight on a 4WD car. On a 2WD buggy there is lots of extra room, but that is taken up by driveline stuff on a 4WD. Many modern 4WDs use saddle packs because it's easy to fit them in and you can manipulate weight distribution.

However, the new smaller, lighter Losi packs are very interesting indeed.

Please note I have not told you which style packs we are contemplating...

Rivien välistä voisi lukea, että X-7:ään sopiva akku olisi mahdollisesti tuollainen "uudenmallinen" lyhyt lipo?


Onko siirrytty tuollaiseen hihnaratkaisuun, jotta saadaan enemmän tehoa renkaille?
Vai sen takia, että voidaan säätää vetosuhdetta helpommin?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Kay Jay - 15.05.11 - klo: 10.38
Onko siirrytty tuollaiseen hihnaratkaisuun, jotta saadaan enemmän tehoa renkaille?
Vai sen takia, että voidaan säätää vetosuhdetta helpommin?

Hihnavetohan oli myös X-Factoryn vanhassa nelivedossa.


Ymmärsin, että uudemmassa mallissa hihnaratkaisu on jotenkin erilainen kuin edellisessä mallissa.
Sen takia kysyinkin.


Now Running X - 7 Gen 5.1 Prototype

All you photo freaks check our FaceBook page for pix Saturday Aug 6 of Paul running the Gen 5.1 at Summit R/C in Fort Wayne, Ind.


5 new action shots, one of some unusual action in the pits, and -- hope you are smiling with us -- a body-off shot of Paul working on the car in the pit.

Rain-shortened program had just 1 qualifier and the main. Paul won the qualy when the other car (Only 2 in class) broke. Paul hit a couple of pipes in the main and finished second. The good news is the car's speed.

Paul set fastest lap in the qualifier and again in the main where he was 2 tenths ahead of the winners' best. The really good news is that the 4WD is much faster than the buggy, just as it should be, and of course Paul's X - 6 Squared is not slow.

Normally a driver's 4WD is 1/2 to 1 second faster than his buggy depending on the track. In buggy they had 2 qualys and the main, and, while he didn't TQ or win, Paul had fastest lap in qualy and also fastest lap in the main. His fast qualy lap with the X - 7 was about a second faster than the buggy lap, and in the main the Hero Lap was 1.4 sec quicker than the buggy.

So the X - 7 is fast out of the box, and we are ready to begin working on the set-up. How fast can it go?



Linkin takaa videota, haastattelu, lisää kuvia...


X-Factoryn Facebook-sivulta bongattua:

Edit: Niin se ilman koria otettu kuva vaan poistui tuolta sivustolta...


"Weight distribution on the 5.2 still isn't what we want because we don't have the new belts & pulleys necessary to move the motor a bit -- they are coming soon for the 6.0. When they arrive, we expect the 6.0 to be significantly faster and if the new weight bias proves correct, it will be ready for sale."

Ehkäpä se "pian" tulee myyntiin...


Tuon myyntiversion tuleminen markkinoille on hieman venynyt, tässäpä viimeisimmät kuulumiset tehtaalta:

"The 4WD project has been moving along slowly because of work on the SCX - 60CF being shipped to Dealers today, but it has been moving.  Paul will produce the Gen6.0 prototypes next week, one for Ellis Stafford in U.K. and one for himself to run at Cactus later this month.  We hope to begin prototyping the production car late this summer, and have it in your hands for sale before Christmas.
