

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Xray M18 (carpet), brushless setup?

Aloittaja G.K., 08.11.11 - klo: 01.14



I'm planning to get an Xray M18 (the "perusmalli", Pro or LiPo, not yet decided) and set it up for brushless with LiPo.
Could anybody kindly give me a link to a setup that works? It is surprisingly difficult to even find a motor where I'm certain that it fits.
There is plenty of info on the web, but mostly on stuff that I'd have to order from abroad.
What I'd need is:
- Motor
- LiPo (2s/3s, mAh)
- pinion
Xray M18 RWD


Please take a look to Xray's official webpage www.teamxray.com and you'll find lot of useful information for every car they have manufactured. If you are looking for initial set up, please refer to M18 instruction manual and and follow it carefully when building the car. This should be a good starting point. Unfortunately 1:18 scale touring cars are not so common and therefore practical experience to get a perfect set up is not so easily available.

You can order Xray parts via Racing Factory, www.racingfactory.fi, they will also help you to get suitable ESC, motor and other stuff, you'd need for your car.
Flying Calacucco


seems to be harder than anticipated. Reason for LiPo is that I've got plenty of heli batteries I would have liked to reuse. Oh well...
Maybe I'll just stick with brushed, get some NiMH packs and learn to drive  :shocked:
Xray M18 RWD


Jos joku tätä vielä lukee niin voisi auttaa minuakin!Eli minkälainen servo tähän kävisi? :O Eli ohjaukseen.