

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

HongNor X3 Sabre

Aloittaja jucca, 06.01.12 - klo: 11.28


HNMC Winter round 5   Written by James R.S. Thompson

With wet weather this round would be on the astro track.
TQ was fought out by Callum Niblett and Bart Banach with young Callum taking it after great success in the worlds last week.

1st Callum Niblett
2nd Gary Brace
3rd Bart Banach


"Worldsit" alkoivat Niblettiltä kohtalaisesti ja oli siinä 60 sijan kieppeillä mutta finaaleja kohti sijoitus hieman tippui. Ehkä kuitenkin ihan ok suoritus 12-vuotiaalta.


Kauden avaus Taiwanin maalla

HongNor team driver Cheng Yi Yuan won TQ and A1 in the first National Championship in Taiwan on 01/06/2013 with his X3-Sabre. Also, team manager Yeh Hsia Ching received B main 1st position. Congratulations to both of them!


HNMC Winter round 2 re run

Niblett starttasi finaaliin viidentenä mutta nousi lopulta kolmanneksi.

1st  Simon Reeves
2nd  Kevin Brunsden
3rd  Callum Niblett


X3S-22 CNC Aluminum Pinion Gear Mount

HongNor has released a new optional part for X3-Sabre off-road buggy.
The new X3S-22 pinion gear mount is CNC machined from high-grade 7075-T6 aluminum.
This X3S-22 comes with 5x13x4 ball-bearing in front and 5x11x4 ball-bearing in rear for extra durability




Hong Nor X3 Sabre 2.0

Hong Nor has released the brand new X3 Sabre 2.0 version for 2013. The X3 Sabre 2.0 not only has improved plastic material but also comes with many optional parts to enhance its performance and durability.

New Features include:
1. Thicker and more durable Front Bumper to decrease crash damage.
2. Newly designed Gear Box to add strength and durability.
3. New Diff Case to eliminate oil leakage.
4. Thicker front Lower Arms to decrease crash damage.
5. CNC machined aluminum Pinion Gear mount for front and rear.
6. CNC machined aluminum rear Chassis Brace Mount.
7. Newly designed Rear Lower Arm Toe-in Plate.
8. CNC machined aluminum Rear Chassis Skid Plate.

Lisätään tähän vielä TWF8 linkki aiheesta http://www.twf8.ws/new/tech/car/hongnor/x3sabre2.0/x3sabre-2.0.html


Onkohan honkkarilta tulos uutta trukiikin  :tongue:


_magu_ On kuulemma tulossa X3 truggy mut aikatauluista ei ole mitään tietoa vielä.

Sanwa - OS-Engines - Hobao - HongNor - Himoto - Savöx - Axial - Byron fuels - G-Force - Gens Ace - Traxxas - Tamiya - SAB



X3 Sabre Wins at Winternational Reported by Chad Grana

I had to wait an extra week to try out my new OFNA X3 SABRE as the race got rained out last Saturday on the 26th for Revelation Raceway's Winter-nationals but the wait was worth it. There was a good turnout of over 100 racers and a lot of very fast guys on a fast track. My first round of qualifying didn't go so well as I made mistakes and it kept me from getting in the A-main. The second round of qualifying was much better as I was able to get some clean track that got me in the A-final.The Main would be a long wait but I was ready and my X3 felt pretty good, I got a real clean start as I hugged the inside rail on the first turn to stay out of trouble and was able to move up a few positions after the corner. Me and the other top 5 drivers started to distance ourselves from the rest of the field. I was able to get around Fred Steel for the fourth spot and started closing in on the third spot. Eddie Ayala running second and wadded up the car and broke, that put me into the third spot now closing for the next position. The car was handling amazing as I brought the car in for my first pit stop. Lorenzo Rojas running in the second spot flamed out leaving the pits putting me into the second spot and I quickly passed Steve Harris moving into the top position. I had a half a lap on the field when I started to run into some lap traffic. With the cars handling ability I was able to negotiate around most of the cars with ease. After my second and last pit stop I started to make a few mistakes and got tangled up with a few lap cars bringing my lead down to only eight seconds. I was able to compose myself and start pulling away again and ended up taking the win. With having this car less than a month and this being the first race of the year I couldn't of asked for anything more. I want to thank OFNA for giving me this opportunity to run for them in the 2013 year.


HNMC Winter 7 Written by James R.S. Thompson

The seventh round of the HNMC Winter series took place at the HNMC's Astro turf track rather than the dirt track due to very bad weather. Qualifying was dominated by Tony Truman but he had bad luck with water in a switch in the main final, this allowed Gary Brace to take a good win from Callum Niblett and Bart Banach 3rd.

Niblett starttasi kisaan viidentenä ja jäi lopulta vain 1.53 sekuntia voittajasta.

1st   Gary Brace
2nd  Callum Niblett
3rd   Bart Banach


Titaani vantit + avain  X3S-18  Paino tippuu 15g.

T-Worksin ns. itse lukittuvat pyöränmutterit (HongNor, Hobao)   TO-051BR


A win for Mario Netto driving his X3 Sabre Reported by Mario Netto

After a nice little break from racing since Nitro Challenge and a rained out Grass Roots race,  DJ and I decided to go to Revelation Raceway for some friendly club racing. The turn out was good, the track is a fresh new layout and the weather was great. As soon as I drove my first few practice laps,  I knew my buggy was good. I qualified  3rd and didn't change a thing on my car except for tires for the main, I switched over from my VP-Pro Turbo Trax to my Strikers which were dialed. I got a rough start, tangling up with the pack, but was able to make my way through the traffic within the first few laps. I was actually racing with a new motor and still breaking it in so I leaned out my Alpha Dragon a little more for a bit more power and the car felt even better, but I still wasn't able to cleanly clear the backside step up and it was costing me time. My X3 was just so good through the corners that I was able to get the lead and pull away. A few bobbles in the last few laps brought me into second, but I was able to get by on the last lap to take the win. A huge thanks to OFNA and to my trusty pit man and friend DJ for killer pit stops using the fuel gun. That's really the only way to go! Congratulations to Chad  Grana for a win in the Amateur class.


HNMC Winter 9

The 9th round of the HNMC Winter series had to take place on their astro track due to the British weather making the dirt track conditions impossible to race on. That being said 51 racers braved the conditions with Kevin Brunsden dominating qualifying in the buggy and Richard Cousins taking TQ in truggy. Booking in for the 10th round, due to take place on the 31st March.

Niblett Starttasi toisesta ruudusta ja piti paikkansa sijoittuen toiseksi.

1. Kong Mckenzie
2. Callum Niblett  HongNor
3. Gary Brace



Nicolas Rodriquezin set-up


HNMC Winter 2012 2013

Niblett oli 10 kilpailua sisältävän HNMC talvisarjan loppupisteissä hienosti toinen!

1. Simon Reeves
2. Callum Niblett  HongNor X3
3. Garry Brace

Kesäsarja (7 kilpailua) alkaa vajaan kuukauden päästä ja kestää syyskuun puolivälin tietämille.


DJ ajoi nitroissa sijalle 4 ja oli sähköissä maalissa hienosti 3.

1. Jason Miller
2. Greg Degani
3. Tanner Stees
4. DJ-Sandate  HongNor X3

Thunder by the Water 2013 Reported by Dj Sandate

My weekend to Lake Havasu for some racing by the water going to be great and that's what it was. Lake Havasu RC hosted their Thunder By the Water Race which was a two day event which had a practice run race and three qualifiers on Sat. and two rounds of Main races for Sun. which made for a spectacular day of racing and good fun with new and old friends. It was such a good atmosphere with lots of spectators watching us duke it out on the hard-packed and fast layout track with a huge quad section for OOOhs and AHHHs from people watching on the bleachers. I run two classes like usual, the Electric Buggy 1/8th class and Pro buggy. I managed to finish in good spirits with good handling cars after figuring out a couple of things that I had missed during the quals that had me baffled for most of the day thinking why my cars had so much rear grip but I finnaly found out why after the 1st rounds of mains that got my buggies back in the game to finish good to take home some hard earned hardware. A 3rd for electric nad a 4th for Nitro, but these plaques felt like I won more than just good finished as the weekend was so relaxing and calm even in the roar of nitro. I'm ready to go back and race again with a great group of people. Thank you Pro-Line, Sidewinder Fuels, Savox and OFNA for such great products, this racing is always fun when you have solid products.


2.0 version myötä tulee pieniä muutoksia X3 Sabren manuaaliin.




Miguel Perez podiums with X3 Sabre, Rd. 1 JBRL  by DJ

Reported by Miguel Perez-It was time to head out to Thunder Alley Raceway in Beaumont, Ca. for round 1 of the 2013 JBRL series.I arrived early anticipating a huge turnout as this is one of the premier racing series in the country.Over 230 racers showed up & I new it was going to be a long day. The schedule consisted of 2 qualifiers & a main for each class.I signed up for 40+ nitro buggy & E-Buggy. I found out that there were 3 heats of 40+ and the same for E-buggy so I knew that the competition was going to be tough. My 1st qualifier was in 40+ nitro buggy. The car was dialed & I was able to sgueeze out a 4th place finish. I wish I could say the same about E-buggy as I struggled all day to find my rhythm.
The qualifiers were all done & mains were up. I qualified a solid 4th in the 40+ A-main & 2nd in the E-buggy C-main.I knew if I could finish 2nd in the C-main I could bump to the B-main & then maybe the A.The C-main was up and I puta different set-up on the car and it seemed a little better but I was still fighting it. I finished 1st & was able to bump up.I turn marshaled the next race and ran into the pits to charge batteries and get the car ready as the B-main was coming
quick. The B-main came quick & the tone sounded. I got a great jump & by the 2nd turn I was in 2nd place but could not hold it as I lost composure & made a few mistakes. I ended in 5th place. I went back to the pits a little disappointed but feeling OK with my finish.
  The 40+ A-main was up & I was starting in a good position to redeem my disappointing finish in E-buggy. The tone sounded & by the 1st turn I was in 2nd place. My X3 Sabre was feeling amazing & I liked my chances for a podium finish. By the middle of the race I was comfortably in 2nd place. Towards the end of the race I started to bobble a little & let 3rd place get a little to close for comfort so I composed myself & was able to finish in 2nd place in one long day of racing. JBRL is great race program, it leads to great races and good finishes & on this day I got the chance to get a picture taken.


Robert kolmanneksi Ranskassa.

1. Jonathan Bacro
2. Jérôme Sartel
3. Raphael Robert  HongNor X3


BRCA nationals Round 1.

Juniori luokka.

1. Jack Embling
2. Oliver Curry
3. Callum Niblet   HongNor X3


Rodriguez palkintokorokkeelle Marseillessa.

1. Jérôme Aigoin
2. Julien Lattanzio
3. Nicolas Rodriguez  HongNor X3

Lyhyt video pätkä finaalista (ja Marseillen uudesta rataprofiilista siinä samalla).

L10 : St Menet, finale Open 1/8 TT de St Menet le 21 avril 2013

"Harrastaja" luokan voittoon ajoi Frèdèric Vitoux.

1. Frèdèric Vitoux  HongNor X3
2. Loic Nozeran
3. Alix Sébastien


Hong Nor's Stuart Mahon takes the firts round of the NRS series with his X3 V2.0, beating UK legend David Crompton and Jon Howels.

1. Stuart Mahon  HongNor X3
2. David Crompton
3. Jon Howels
13. Mike Foxall  HongNor


Pieni pätkä Rodriguezin ajoa EM Warm-up kisoista kun sää oli vielä suosiollinen.

Grand Prix de France 2013 Reims - Essai libre - Nicolas Rodriguez


Hong Nor driver Yeo Anthony took Southern Alley Round 3 A Class Champion in Malaysia with his X3 Sabre 2.0 version

Team Driver Frank Azzopardi finished 2nd place in 5th & 6th Round of the (M.M.O.R.R.C) Maltese Buggy Championship with his X3 Sabre 2.0


China-KRC Manufacturers' Association points race

Le Hua Lin has recently won the Manufacturers Association point's race held at the KRC track in China.

East Coast RC Race

1. Daniel Law
2. BH Gan  HongNor
3. David Aw  HongNor


Nicolas Rodriguezin EM warm-up kisan set up


Voiko toimia suomessa noin jäykillä diffeillä?
Kiitos 20 vuodesta!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: GT Warrior - 02.06.13 - klo: 15.37
Voiko toimia suomessa noin jäykillä diffeillä?

Tuohon pitää jonkun asioista enemmän tietävän ja muillakin kuin turffilla ajaneen vastata, itselläni on autossa vielä perus 7000/5000/2000 joka varmasti vähän tulee muuttumaan.

Rodriguez on ajanut noilla suht jäykillä öljyillä noin vuoden verran, välillä tuotakin jonkun verran jäykemmillä.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: GT Warrior - 02.06.13 - klo: 15.37
Voiko toimia suomessa noin jäykillä diffeillä?

jos maalimalla toimii nii miksi suomessa ei toimisi.onko meillä jotenkin erilaiset radat?

nimi merkillä kuopion tekonurmella ajaja.