

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Grand Prix Russia 2014, March 28-30, 2014, Agalatovo-Saint Petersburg

Aloittaja FAMS St.Petersburg, 29.01.14 - klo: 09.55

FAMS St.Petersburg


Grand Prix Russia 2014, March 28-30, 2014, Agalatovo-Saint Petersburg

Date of race
March 28-30, 2014.

Place of race
"Agalatovskaya Secondary General School", 162, Agalatovo, Leningradskaya district, Saint Peterburg.

TCM-10  Touring Car Modified
TCP-10  Touring Car ProStock
TCS-10  Touring Car Stock
C-12   Modified 12th scale

Race format
Doors open at 8:00
Race start at 9:00
3 rounds of controlled practice
6 rounds of qualifying
3 rounds of finals

Current EFRA regulations with the following exceptions:

Wheels and tires for Touring
Tires are free.
However organizer recommends the following configuration of wheels:
- Team Sorex (#CO-20R) Competition Slick Tire
- Sweep (#EXP-LS) EXP LS Tire Inserts Lightweight (BU)
- Sweep EXP Dish Wheel #EXP-WAW
Glued wheels must be submitted to the organizer for marking by registration.
Only 2 (two) sets of wheels per race are allowed (with the exception of class C-12).
Wheels shall be deposited with the organizer at the end of the race day.

TCM-10  - EFRA Modified
TCP-10  - Motor 10,5T
TCS-10  - Motor 17,5T
C-12      - EFRA Modified

Speed controllers
For TCS-10 and TCP-10 classes - zero timing advance speed controllers must be used. The list of allowed speed controllers can be found on ROAR web page http://www.roarracing.org

Touring - 2S LiPo EFRA or ROAR approved or a hard case battery from EFRA or ROAR approved manufacturer.
C-12 - 1S LiPo EFRA or ROAR approved or a hard case battery from EFRA or ROAR approved manufacturer.

Touring - 4 doors sedan body are allowed.

Touring – min. 5mm
C-12 – min. 3,5 mm.

Preliminary registration has to be done by address:
You can also include some more information.

Entry fee
RUR 1500,- for one class
RUR 700,- for any next class
RUR 700,- for Juniors for any number of classes.
Can be paid on the track.

Carpet 30x14m.
Tables, chairs, electricity power provided by organizer.
Lap counting and time keeping is provided by MyRCM system.

No licence required


Contact persons
Kirill Kiselev
turbokisa (at) gmail.com
Yuri Chmigal
yuge-22 (at) yandex.ru



Just want to say that race was cool and we had first international guests from Estonia.
We hope to see you super fast guys from Suomi @ next 2015 race in the same dates. :wink:
I'll post new topic here on rc10.fi with announcement soon.

Short video: http://piter.tv/event/Avtogonki/
A lot of photos: http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/l-v-m-2008/album/442745/

Kirill Kiselev
Russian Touring Masters