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Baltic Cup 2014 in Latvia 15.08.2014-17.08.2014

Aloittaja Pelekais-rc, 08.07.14 - klo: 16.24


Baltic Cup 2014 in Latvia
Pelēkais RC Off-Road Track

The event takes place already 10 years in a row once in the summer.
Each year, the event takes place in one of the Baltic States [Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] gathered approximately 100 participants.
This year the event takes place in Latvia!

Location: Krimulda municipality, Lēdurga, "Žagatas", Lv4012

Supported by Expromt.lv - Sound, Light, Video and Stage

Friday from 12:00 - registration, practice, drivers meeting, first qualifications.
Saturday from 9:00 - qualifications and sub finals.
Sunday from 9:00 - main finals, awards Ceremony.
*The agenda may vary depending on the number of participants!

(basis of the EFRA and ROAR rules)

1/8 Nitro:
Buggy 1/8 (EFRA-app2 5.)(ROAR 9.3.10), 1/8 Truggy (9.3.11 ROAR).

Qualifications* 5x - 5min from which counts 3 best;
1/8; 1/4 finals-15 min, if any.
1/2 finals-20 min.
Finals-45 min.
*Qualification groups are organized by the results presented in training!

1/8 Electric:
Buggy 1/8 (ROAR 8.7.11)
1/8 Truggy (ROAR
1/10 short course (ROAR 8.7.12).

Qualifications* 5x - 5min from which counts 3 best;
E; D;C;B;A finals 3x -10 min
*Qualification groups are organized by the results presented in training!

1/10 Electric:
Buggy 2WD and 4WD (EFRA-app3 C.)
Truck 2WD and 4WD (ROAR 8.7.2).

Qualifications* 5x - 5min from which counts 3 best;
E; D;C;B;A finals 3x -10 min
*Qualification groups are organized by the results presented in training!

1/5-1/6 Petrol 2WD & 4WD**:
(EFRA-app5 5.4).

Qualifications* 5x - 5min., from which counts 3 best;
1/8; 1/4 finals -15 min., if any.
1/2 finals-20 min.
Finals-30 min.
*Qualification groups are organized by the results presented in training!

**1/5-1/6 Petrol 2wd and 4wd drive separately, each class will have at least 6 drivers!

Entry fee:

Adults: first class - 20€ ,-each additional class -15 €
Young people up to 16y: first class - 15€ ,-each additional class -10€
Transponder rent: adults 10€; young people up to 16y. 7€
now available is 15 transponders.

Registration for the race: 01.07.2014-15.08.2014


On the meadow near track Participants may park their tents/trailers/cars, electricity will be available (also at night).
If someone has a desire to sleep in a bed, then the closest Guest House can be found here:

Krimulda.lv-guest houses.
The closest Guest House to the track: Līgotāji

Meals can be ordered as usual every morning until 10:00 and 13:00 to get around,
lunch - cost ~ 5Euro
Will be able to order the same dinner, ordering around 17:00 they will be able to get around 19:00 - cost ~ 5Euro!
will be available free grill with wood.

As usual, bring your chairs, tables and power strips.
220v electricity, the compressor and H2O, as well as WC will be available

Information and contacts:

Kaspars  + 37126301468


P.S. Sorry that this all is written in English,
but the first who correctly translate the entire text in native language -
will get 50% discount on entry fee :)

See Ya!


Already registered:

1/8 Nitro:  9Cars;
1/8 Electric:  11Cars;
1/10 Electric 2WD:  1Car;   
1/5 Petrol 4WD:  1Car;   
1/5 Petrol 2WD:  6Cars;   

Do not be late, submit your participation today - Register Here!

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Already registered:

1/8 Nitro: 12Cars;
1/8 Electric: 14Cars;
1/10 Electric 4WD: 1Car;
1/10 Electric 2WD: 1Car;
1/5 Petrol 4WD: 1Car;
1/5 Petrol 2WD: 6Cars;   

Do not be late, submit your participation today - Register Here!

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Approximate Baltic Cup 2014 agenda. Everything depends on number of drivers.


Register for BC2014

Currently registered:
1/8 Nitro: 13Cars;
1/8 Electric: 20Cars;
1/10 Electric 4WD: 3Cars;
1/10 Electric 2WD: 3Cars;
1/5 Petrol 4WD: 2Cars;
1/5 Petrol 2WD: 9Cars;

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