

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Kalenteri 2014/2015 Viron Offroad sarja Estonian Championship

Aloittaja eikhannes, 22.09.14 - klo: 13.27


We start offroad season (partly) carpet track competitions at Väike-Maarja (vm.hobi.ee). There are three kind of races coming up this winter:

1) Training days ( additional trainingdays are listed http://vm.edicy.co/rada/treenigud )
2) Estonian Championship (for buggy http://vm.edicy.co/uritused/201415-emv-bagidele )
3) ClubRace (for Short Course cars http://vm.edicy.co/uritused/shortcourse-cup-20142015).

27.09.2014 Trainingday 10.00...18.00

11.10.2014 1.stage Buggy (Estonian Champ.)
18.10.2104 1.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
25.10.2014 Trainingday

08.11.2014 2.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
15.11.2014 2.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
22.11.2014 Trainingday

13.12.2014 3.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
27.12.2014 Trainingday

10.01.2015 4.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
17.01.2015 3.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
24.01.2015 Treeningpäev

07.02.2015 5.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
14.02.2015 4.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
21.02.2015 Trainingday

07.03.2015 6.etapp Buggy (Estonian Championship)
21.03.2015 Trainingday

11.04.2015 7.etapp Buggy (Estonian Championship)
Main technical limitations:

1. Estonian Championship
* 1/10 2wd buggy : rear axle drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 2S (hardcase)
* 1/10 4wd buggy: four wheel drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 2S (hardcase)
* 1/8 4wd buggy: max four wheel drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 4S (hardcase)

All cars must have clear readable identified factory ID with scale, dimensions, and class. Useing for example wheels of truggy not allowed with buggy cars. Cars must be safe for all (users, drivers and other people). Battery charging with LiPo bags only (for LiPo batterys).

2. Short Course Clubrace
* 1/10 scale rear (2WD) wheel drive, it is meant for beginners and motor restriction 13.5T, zero timing, rims 2.2/3" SC wheels, battery max 2S LiPo

* 1/10 scale 4WD: for advanced drivers, Motor and ESC with no limitations, rims 2.2/3" SC wheels, battery max 2S LiPo

Invitations are listed: http://register.modelcar.ee/?action=events

Discussions are listed: http://www.mudelismifoorum.eu/viewforum.php?f=43

For training other time listed in calendar pelase contact br.vaher[ ]gmail.com (track manager)



Hannes Hannus
Eesti Automudelispordi Klubi (Estonian Modelcarclub)
Questions and information: +3725027386 eikhannes[]gmail.com