

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

M8 PM-kisakutsu on julkaistu!

Aloittaja JUkka-san, 14.04.16 - klo: 13.04


We at Botkyrka Motor Klubb are happy to host the 2016 Nordic Championship in 1:8 IC Offroad

Date: 3-5 of june, track closed from 20 of may

Location: Botkyrka Motor Klubb in Tullinge about 20km south of Stockholm
Race Director: Peter Glas MHF Skarpnäck
Race Controller: Robert Lee MHF Skarpnäck and Kim Lindgren MHF Skarpnäck
Time Keeping : Stefan Svensson MHF Skarpnäck & and Massimo Salvini MHF Skarpnäck
Speaker: Stefan Svensson MHF Skarpnäck
Environment officer: Henrik Malmgren Botkyrka MK
Technical Inspection: Anders Appelgren, Mattias Fransson

Rules: EFRA, SBF and Nordic Championship rules
In matter of time we will run Junior final and +35 final

Timing System: RCM with MyLaps RC4

License: Valid National licens from SBF, NMF, DASU, AAK or EFRA
Also drivers from Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are welcome with
with valid national or EFRA licens

Participation: Free from all the countries above with a maximum of 132 drivers

Registration: http://www.rc411.net/calendar%20region.asp?MM=June&YY=2016
Regsitration Fee: 500sek, info on payment will follow after registration on www.rc411.net

Race Format: Heat Practise Friday 3x7min with last 2 for reseeding ,3 consecutive laps
Heat Practise Saturday 1x5min in new heats
Qualifications 5x5 min
All Subfinals 20minutes
Main final 60 minutes

Track preparation: Track will be maintained if necessary, track will be broomed by

Marshalling: Practise and Qualifications marshal the heat after.
Finals marshal the heat before i.e 1/16 A is marshalled by 1/8A
Semi finalists marshal the first finals A and B and eliminated
semifinalists marshal the Main Final
Junior and +35 finals, bring your own marshall

Liability: All drivers in the competition participate under his/hers own
responsibility and own risk, SBF, BMK or officials can not be held liable
for injury or material damage suffered by participating during the

Catering: Food, soft drinks, coffe/tea, snacks and breakfast will be provided at the
track for purchase.

Pre race info : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1195624390464899/

Awards: TQ and all in main final, best junior, best over 35 and best country team.
Country team is 3 drivers and shall be announced to Race Director after
qualifications and before start of the finals.

Accomodation: Camping at the club including power 100sek/night
Clubhouse has toilets and showers
Booking of camping to Georg.lindholm@gmail.com
Scandic Hotel Kungens Kurva 08-517 346 00
Ranjana.paul@scandichotels.com use booking code BOT030616, room
has to be booked latest 3rd of may to have special price.

Contacts: Fredrick Cederberg

How to find the track: Turn on Huddingevägen (between Huddinge and Tullinge) at Botkyrka
Hantverksby, follow signs to Lida friluftsgård (Motorstadion), from the
turn it is approx. 2km to the track wich is on the left side on


Here is instructions how to pay the starting fee

Use PayPal and make the payment to Nordics2016@outlook.com don't forget to mark the payment with the name of the driver

Payment has to be done in advance, if a entered driver has not paid before the last day of entrance the driver will not be on the heatlist and a payment after the deadline will be concidered as a late entry and charged an extra amount
Jouko Hyvärinen


Milloin on viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä? Ihan vaan sillä kyselen, jos jollain jää ihan viime tippaan.  :shocked:

Voisikos joku liittää sen Nordics2016 dokumentin myös tänne?

t. Kai


Ketjun avausviesti on kaikki info minkä olen tapahtumasta saanut.


Sain oheisen pdf-dokun käsiini PM-kisoihin liittyen.
29.5.2016 näyttää olevan viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä.

Jos on kysyttävää PM-kisajärjestäjältä, niin tuo info... -sähköposti näyttää toimivan hyvin.

t. Kai