Sworkz julkaisi jo viime syksynä uuden 4wd 10 krossarin malli S14-3.

Itse olen autolla ehtinyt jo jonkin verran ajella niin Hakkilan turffillan kuin messukeskuksen betonilla.
Auto on osoittautunut heti nopeaksi ja ylimääräisiä tuning osia ei tähän laitteeseen tarvitse. Niitä toki olen kokeillut, mutta ilmankin pärjää.
Yllätys oli myös se että "EOS" matolle suunniteltu auto toimi niinkin hienosti messukeskuksen betonilla.
Autossa on paljon hiilikuitua ja alumiinia vakiona ja rakenne on varsin kestävän oloinen.
Autoja ja varaosia saa myös Suomesta, joten harrastaminen on vaivatonta.
Kisatiimi myös tukee autojen setuppien ja muidenkin asioiden suhteen varsin mukavasti.
Lisäksi facebookista löytyy kattava keskustelufoorumi, jossa on mukana Pro tason kuljettajia.
With more top drivers joining SWORKz, this has helped in the development and improvement of our 1/10 off road electric buggies. The brand new SWORKz S14-3 is a direct result of that. Based on the success of the S14-2, SWORKz further developed its 1/10 off road buggy and came out with the S14-3. One of its most unique features is the 5mm Axle Universal Cross Drive Shaft that were specially designed and made from Sworkz 1/8th buggy steel material.
For carpet off road racing, we gave up the pivot ball system and went with the C-Hub steering system. Standard included the new Centre Slipper Clutch System. With the new C-Hub system, the S14-3 now has a new and improved front and rear suspension shock system. The S14-3 new design front and rear arms are made from strong composite nylon materials. We will also offer newly developed "carbon fiber" arms later as option parts. The T-7075 aluminum chassis with its center twist system gives more rear grip. When equipped with the new front and rear upper carbon decks, the buggy has more traction.
The S14-3 includes many high quality parts, a refined shock system and option parts. Many SWORKz Factory Team Option Parts are included. SWORKz utilizes only the highest quality materials and industry leading manufacturing processes resulting in a faster, stronger, and more reliable vehicle.
The S14-3 Pro Kit is designed to win.
S14-3 Kit Features:
SWORKz T7075 aluminum B.H.C(Black Hard Coated) chassis with its new center flex system design.
High performance CNC crown gears and pinion gears.
Unique 5mm Axle Universal Cross Drive Shafts.
New Centre Slipper Clutch System.
New Pro-composite Carbon Fiber shock towers with new geometry Shock Positions.
New design shock bodies with 3mm Teflon hard coated shafts.
S14-3 front and rear arms made from strong composite nylon materials.
Kit comes standard with both 9 and 11 degree front C Hubs.
New Adjustable Steering Plate with New Bell Crank.
Full aluminum arm holders with adjustable Toe-in Block.
SWORKz Aluminum Steering Servo Mount.
S14-3 Velocity 2.0 Body Shell with Formula Bulkhead Wing.

Itse olen autolla ehtinyt jo jonkin verran ajella niin Hakkilan turffillan kuin messukeskuksen betonilla.
Auto on osoittautunut heti nopeaksi ja ylimääräisiä tuning osia ei tähän laitteeseen tarvitse. Niitä toki olen kokeillut, mutta ilmankin pärjää.
Yllätys oli myös se että "EOS" matolle suunniteltu auto toimi niinkin hienosti messukeskuksen betonilla.
Autossa on paljon hiilikuitua ja alumiinia vakiona ja rakenne on varsin kestävän oloinen.
Autoja ja varaosia saa myös Suomesta, joten harrastaminen on vaivatonta.
Kisatiimi myös tukee autojen setuppien ja muidenkin asioiden suhteen varsin mukavasti.
Lisäksi facebookista löytyy kattava keskustelufoorumi, jossa on mukana Pro tason kuljettajia.
With more top drivers joining SWORKz, this has helped in the development and improvement of our 1/10 off road electric buggies. The brand new SWORKz S14-3 is a direct result of that. Based on the success of the S14-2, SWORKz further developed its 1/10 off road buggy and came out with the S14-3. One of its most unique features is the 5mm Axle Universal Cross Drive Shaft that were specially designed and made from Sworkz 1/8th buggy steel material.
For carpet off road racing, we gave up the pivot ball system and went with the C-Hub steering system. Standard included the new Centre Slipper Clutch System. With the new C-Hub system, the S14-3 now has a new and improved front and rear suspension shock system. The S14-3 new design front and rear arms are made from strong composite nylon materials. We will also offer newly developed "carbon fiber" arms later as option parts. The T-7075 aluminum chassis with its center twist system gives more rear grip. When equipped with the new front and rear upper carbon decks, the buggy has more traction.
The S14-3 includes many high quality parts, a refined shock system and option parts. Many SWORKz Factory Team Option Parts are included. SWORKz utilizes only the highest quality materials and industry leading manufacturing processes resulting in a faster, stronger, and more reliable vehicle.
The S14-3 Pro Kit is designed to win.
S14-3 Kit Features:
SWORKz T7075 aluminum B.H.C(Black Hard Coated) chassis with its new center flex system design.
High performance CNC crown gears and pinion gears.
Unique 5mm Axle Universal Cross Drive Shafts.
New Centre Slipper Clutch System.
New Pro-composite Carbon Fiber shock towers with new geometry Shock Positions.
New design shock bodies with 3mm Teflon hard coated shafts.
S14-3 front and rear arms made from strong composite nylon materials.
Kit comes standard with both 9 and 11 degree front C Hubs.
New Adjustable Steering Plate with New Bell Crank.
Full aluminum arm holders with adjustable Toe-in Block.
SWORKz Aluminum Steering Servo Mount.
S14-3 Velocity 2.0 Body Shell with Formula Bulkhead Wing.