

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen


Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Näytä viestit valikko

Viestit - eikhannes

Registration is open via MyRCM:

Link to MyRCM host: https://goo.gl/fKCfZD

Registration is open up to August 7.  2017

Video from last weekend.

M8E A final 1. run at Limbaži track.


Hannes Hannus
Hei RC kaveritele! Coming up

Action:     Baltic Championship/Cup 2017
Time:       August 11-13
Location:  Latvia, Limbaži
Map:        https://goo.gl/maps/Z6NEJH561XQ2
Manager:  Evalds Butans ; jordanobruno [ot] inbox.lv
Track:      Local natural clay 90% and astro 10%

1/10 2wd buggy
1/10 4wd buggy
1/10 SC truck
1/8 EP Buggy (separate counting for age group 30+ in addition)
1/8 GP(IC) Buggy

Stay tuned via FB: 

Hannes Hannus

Large Scale BC 2017 will take place separatedly August 18-20.

Registration to Tallinn Winter Jumps is open at:

Drivers who registered via Jaanus Tiit e-mail, please make your registration again by link listed ahead.

Sorry about over email registration information!
Hotels at this weekend are very crowded, if someone have problem to find place, please let me know, we do our best to find place for everyone!

Best Regards,
Jaanus Tiit
+372 56650500


3 km tai 10 minuttia autolla satamasta ajaa (3 km & 10 min by car from port to track)


Supastox 2. tass (Cup)
27. 12 2015
Kind of Reedy race

1. Teknista
Schumacher Supastox 1:12
mootorit 13.5 T
noparit Core RC Pace 45 R blinky
kovakuoriset 1S LiPo

2. Luokat
Supastox 1:12 (N x 8 minuttia, N voi olla kuusi tai isomppi)

3. Aikataulu
09.00 ovet aukki
10.00 alkuerat alkaa
16.00 palkintoinen jako

4. Timing AMB ( RC4 Hybridi toimii)
5. Palkinto Supastoxin kuppi
6. Ilmoittautuminen mahdollista ennakoon: register.modelcar.ee  tai aamulla paikalla (....10.00)
7. Starttimaksu 15.- € /luokka (Mahdollista myös vuokrata koko kalusto 25.- €. Tosi kilpaajon suositelemme osta lisänsi renkaat noin 20.-/ juoksu)
8. Püsäköinti ilmainen
9. Sisiätilä lämpö noin 10-15 C ja käytetään sisätila jalkineitä

Tiedustelut: Jörg Miikael Tiit  puh +372 566 50311 sähköp. jmtiit[ät]mudelihall.ee tai Hannes Hannus +372 5027386 eikhannes[ät]gmail.com

Muutoksia? Milloista muutoksia haluate?

What canges you mean? The track is renovated and  people are still working on it.  New clay has been added and all the track is tamped with road roll where it is possible. Some curves have more positive angle. Yes it has only few jumps and drivers have chance to use and press full throttle. Most of Estonian tracks are tiny and really fast run is possible only at Tartu track :)

Yes there is some grass on the track out of the main driving line and we hope that tamping makes growing more slow and before The Day we try to cut it as minimal as possible inside track and outside too.

I will post pictures if I could reduce them from 7 Mb to 1024 Kb or send me e-mail and i will share. People are reporting to me with pictures to see what is done or going on.

No I make them visible some how (dropbox or smt). Stay tuned I'll try ASAP.


Hei RC kuljetajat!

On tulossa Balti Mestari 2015



First offroad outdoor stage is coming up in Tallinn at May 9.
Invitation coming up soon but now you can keep in touch:


Will be updated soon!

We start offroad season (partly) carpet track competitions at Väike-Maarja (vm.hobi.ee). There are three kind of races coming up this winter:

1) Training days ( additional trainingdays are listed http://vm.edicy.co/rada/treenigud )
2) Estonian Championship (for buggy http://vm.edicy.co/uritused/201415-emv-bagidele )
3) ClubRace (for Short Course cars http://vm.edicy.co/uritused/shortcourse-cup-20142015).

27.09.2014 Trainingday 10.00...18.00

11.10.2014 1.stage Buggy (Estonian Champ.)
18.10.2104 1.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
25.10.2014 Trainingday

08.11.2014 2.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
15.11.2014 2.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
22.11.2014 Trainingday

13.12.2014 3.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
27.12.2014 Trainingday

10.01.2015 4.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
17.01.2015 3.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
24.01.2015 Treeningpäev

07.02.2015 5.stage Buggy (Estonian Championship)
14.02.2015 4.stage SC cars (Clubrace)
21.02.2015 Trainingday

07.03.2015 6.etapp Buggy (Estonian Championship)
21.03.2015 Trainingday

11.04.2015 7.etapp Buggy (Estonian Championship)
Main technical limitations:

1. Estonian Championship
* 1/10 2wd buggy : rear axle drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 2S (hardcase)
* 1/10 4wd buggy: four wheel drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 2S (hardcase)
* 1/8 4wd buggy: max four wheel drive, Motor: free, ESC: free, Rims: free; Battery: LiPo max 4S (hardcase)

All cars must have clear readable identified factory ID with scale, dimensions, and class. Useing for example wheels of truggy not allowed with buggy cars. Cars must be safe for all (users, drivers and other people). Battery charging with LiPo bags only (for LiPo batterys).

2. Short Course Clubrace
* 1/10 scale rear (2WD) wheel drive, it is meant for beginners and motor restriction 13.5T, zero timing, rims 2.2/3" SC wheels, battery max 2S LiPo

* 1/10 scale 4WD: for advanced drivers, Motor and ESC with no limitations, rims 2.2/3" SC wheels, battery max 2S LiPo

Invitations are listed: http://register.modelcar.ee/?action=events

Discussions are listed: http://www.mudelismifoorum.eu/viewforum.php?f=43

For training other time listed in calendar pelase contact br.vaher[ ]gmail.com (track manager)



Hannes Hannus
Eesti Automudelispordi Klubi (Estonian Modelcarclub)
Questions and information: +3725027386 eikhannes[]gmail.com

Now the Laitse offroad track is almost ready. New!!! (A little movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2PiaMgdeqM)

So we are glad to invite all drivers.

10. august 2014 - trainingday http://register.modelcar.ee/?action=events&action2=viewevent&eventid=195

23. august 2014 - Estonian Championship stage 5. http://register.modelcar.ee/?action=events&action2=viewevent&eventid=196

Hannes Hannus

Estonian Championship
Stage 4.
26 July at Tartu offroad track.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHyRygG_GWE

Invitation and registering (klikka "Keele valik" to swap language):


First (stage 4) it was planned to happen at Laitse brand new track but it is not ready yet :( Bad luck. Old version of track and info https://docs.google.com/document/d/143eX6QhpBowKC-qaKVv2OCiLkgDsh_ElT8TSWxJXQH0/pub

Calendar 2014 offroad:
26. July Tartu (stage 4) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uL2OOqHVkLomG1zLn-DP5UyQcpxx3oGnuiUgll-053k/pub

23. August Laitse (stage 5)  https://docs.google.com/document/d/143eX6QhpBowKC-qaKVv2OCiLkgDsh_ElT8TSWxJXQH0/pub

13. Sept. Luige (stage 6) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lR0bT79DGhk-uJGStQFHoEMBURnTk6MedAgvR9xzyow/pub

Hannes Hannus