

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen


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Viestit - Embie

Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: RC Rally
31.03.16 - klo: 18.34
On photo is part made of PLA, it is reaaaaaly easy to brake. But I also tryed ABS, it is better, but still for racing it doesn't last 100%, but for such driving around house it is OK. One guy here uses some 3D printed parts also for racing, but sometimes he just brakes something, and I don't want to risk that.
And that part for TT01 is good for higher clearance, but it is still the same TT01 suspension. You can just put longer joinst on end of damper and its the same :-) If you want do it better you need at least longer and oil filled shocks :-) (Besides throwing TT01 away and buying something better with better dampers included  :evil:)
Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: RC Rally
31.03.16 - klo: 11.23
I will be in Tampere, later I'll try to find some oportunities :-)

I tryed some 3D printed parts, but there are not really durable
Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: RC Rally
29.03.16 - klo: 22.40
Hello everyone,
I´m really excited, because I am author of manual (http://embieracing.com/en/manual/) for RC Rally car that youre talking about! :-) Im sorry I write in english, but even with google translator its really difficult to me to understand what youre discussing about. Is there any RC rally championship in Finland? If it is, I'd like to add it to my map here: http://embieracing.com/en/map/ . I hope it is, because, its 90% sure, that I will be studying in Finlad as Erasmus student for about half a year from august :-)
If you have any questions about rebuild or rallying in Czech Republic, I'm happy to help :-)