

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen


Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Näytä viestit valikko

Viestit - akaver

Practice is GO. Starting from 17:00 today (friday) till midnight.
Price per driver 150 eek (10 eur).

Sometime during evening training there will also be timing installed and available.

This coming saturday (31.05) we will have second leg of estonian championship. Track is brand new, located in Luige willage, some 3 km from city border.
Latest images of track are here:

Registration is here or onsite:

Classes: bugy, truggy, 1:5 gasoline, open

Heats start at 8, but you are welcome anytime.
Wintercup is over!

Last leg was on new track - mini motocross indoor track.

Results for Finnish guys:

Buggy Final
5 Aki Mertsola    68    30m12.847    19.609    26.660

Buggy Semi A
6 Jani Parjanen (TQ)    34    15m15.419    20.910    26.924 (first out of final)

Buggy Semi B
2 Aki Mertsola    37    15m14.608    20.326    24.719

Truggy Semi B
7 Niko Andersson    6    2m31.847    17.862    25.308

All last leg results are here:

Quick reminder - next race is on 9 february....

Results from last race:

1 Rando Mere    57
9 Niko Andersson    49
10 Tommi Alho    47

1 Jarno Kokkonen    58    
2 Andres Käver    57    
3 Jegor Ljahh    57    
Just to remind you all:
next race is held at 12 jan. 2008.....

Looking forward to see you all...
images from the first event:


There where aprox 50 racers, truggy had more than buggy!

Rules for competition are here (if you read estonian):

What differs from norm:
truggy - no transmission allowed (ie. no monsters), fuel tank 230cc
open - everything goes, max weight 8 kg
Some more info (not fully confirmed yet)

There is possibility to sleep on race site - ie. rooms with beds.
No eating, no bedclothes. Bring your own. No idea about price yet (cheap).

Traveling to Estonia

First ferry from Helsinki Saturday morning:
8:00->9:40, Suterveacat (http://www.suterveacat.com/fi/graafikud_ja_hinnad)
Last ferry from Tallinn Saturday evening
20:30-22:30, Star, Tallink (http://www.tallinksilja.com/fi/tab2/schedules/helTal/)

Racing begins at 11:00, ends at approx 20:00. Leaving race site is tight fit...
We could move 1:6 final and last of open finals to the last place, so racing for 1:8 would end at aprox 19:00.

We could arrange transport to and from port, so you can leave your 1:1 toys parked in Helsinki port.
If you think it would be interesting, let me know. Then I can figure it out.


Autumn/Winter/Spring racing season is about to begin!
Estonian RC community is pleased to invite everybody to compete in our WinterCup 07/08 race series.
Race dates:
13 oct 2007
10 nov  2007
8 dec 2007
12 jan 2008
9 feb 2008
8 mar 2008

All races will be held INDOORS, just aprox 10 km out of Tallinn.
Järve Tall
Kurna, Harjumaa

Buggy, Truggy, 1:6
5 min qualifications, 15 semis, 30 finals.
5 min qualifications, 3*10 min finals.

Open class - everything, that doesn't fit into other classes. 1:10, 1:18, Electrical, etc.

AMB personal ponders. Rent 150 eek per ponder (if you don't have your own).

Pitting indoors. 220V.
Engine starting/tuning only outdoors.


We try to start 1:10 4wd buggy during this coming winter in Estonia also (along 1:10 touring).
Using as little rules as possible.
One thing that is unclear are tires. Since we are using the same carpettrack with touring, rubber tires are out.
They will probably tear up the carpet (pins), and wont last that long. So foams it seems to be.
Can somebody please point me, what kind of foams to you use in Finland? Who sells them? Preglued?

akaver, estonia
Website with all the info: http://www.rtpower.eu/bc/

Baltic Cup nitro outdoor race event
1st Baltic Cup race

    * This will be a very first off road race event in Baltic's where best of best drivers from around of Baltic Sea will take a challenge of racing nitro off road, good luck!
    * The race is an open outdoor race, and there is no need to any national licenses or membership of the EFRA. Except all drivers who race in Latvian championship must have a licenses. Licenses can be purchased www.laf.lv. Also licenses will be possible to purchase at race track.
    * All drivers must have own personal AMBrc transponder for timing and lap counting.
    * Due that we receive a great interest about this race, it might be a limited amount of drivers, but we will inform separately.
    * Grand prize for 1/8 buggy class will be OCM Kaos DT19 Pro kit!


    * 1/8 offroad buggy
    * 1/5&1/6 offroad
    * Monster trucks
    * Open offroad (truggy & others)

If in any of classes after 10th of July will be less than 8 registered drivers that class will be transferred to OPEN class.

    * Friday, 27th July - Practice
    * Saturtday, 28th July - Qualifying and Finals
    * Sunday, 29th July - Finals, if on race event will be more than 50 drivers

Time tables:

    * (will be released closer to event)

Race event entry fee:

    * prepayment Eur 10
    * at race track Eur 15
Some images from event (unsorted):

JQ truggy backflips start from here:

akaver, estonia

Where could I find T8 (truggy) class rules we have to race to in Koski Challenge II?