

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Sähkökrossin EM 2018 Reims Ranska kisainfoa

Aloittaja _valtsu_, 27.04.18 - klo: 21.58


Warm up ajetaan 5.-6.5.2018
EM kisat ajetaan 23.-28.7.2018

Kisapaikan esittely yms. http://www.efra.ws/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2018%20EC%20Reims%20Report%202comp.pdf

2WD Taka -- JConcepts Dirt webs, Gold compound - Part # 3076-05. Insert Dirt-Tech. Part # 3232.
4WD Taka -- JConcepts Dirt webs, Gold compound - Part # 3076-05. Insert Dirt Tech. Part # 3232.
4WD Etu -- JConcepts Dirt webs, Gold compound - Part # 3078-05. Insert Dirt Tech. Part # 3230.

Renkaat ja insertit ostetaan järjestäjältä. Omia renkaita ja inserttejä saa käyttää vain vapaissa treeneissä.

Kisasivusto: http://www.reims-emc.com/index.php/infos-euro-and-ir-reims-2018/


Tässä on infoa kisarenkaiden tilaamisesta ja muuta käytännön järjestelyihin liittyvää.

The organisers for the EC at Reims have now confirmed further details :-

The Controlled Tyres and Inserts for the event are :-.
2WD Rear -- JConcepts Dirt webs, Gold compound - Part # 3076-05. Insert Dirt-Tech. Part # 3232.
4WD Rear -- " " " " Part # 3076-05. Insert Dirt Tech. Part # 3232.
4WD Front -- " " " " Part # 3078-05. Insert Dirt Tech. Part # 3230.

The price for a pair of Tyres with Inserts is 15 Euro.
Reminder :- Only Tyres and Inserts purchased from the Organiser at the event can be used in :-
Controlled Practice, Qualifying and Finals.
The Organisers have advised that tyre wear on this track is low and even the fastest drivers will do four runs on a set
of tyres. This has also been confirmed by drivers that entered the Warm-Up event. Four sets of tyres should be all
that is required for the each Class, including Practice, Qualifying and Finals.
The Organisers tyre supplier is RC CONCEPT.
Competitors can preorder tyres by mailing RC CONCEPT at :- contact@rcconcept.net Ensure that you clearly
state your name and the number of tyres with Part # 's that you require.

The Organisers have confirmed they will be using MyLaps Decoder version 4.3. This version will record all
MyLaps direct powered transponders.
Transponders not supplied by MyLaps can often be detected by this Decoder version, but competitors should
be aware:-
"EFRA rules do not require the Time-Keeper to adjust results for missed laps or times, if a competitor is
using a transponder that is not recommended by the Decoder manufacturer". (GR 8.12.3).
The organisers have confirmed that the track will not be used by anyone after 8th July.
The track design will be the same that was used at the Warm-Up event. The features are permanent and
cannot easily be changed.
Access to the camping area will be allowed from 15:00 hr. on Sat. 21st July.
It is mandatory that any competitor wishing to use the Camping area must Reserve a place.
Contact the Organiser at :- reims.emc@infonie.fr for a reservation. You should detail type of camping (Tent,
Caravan, Motor Home etc.) and size of unit.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Worsley. (EFRA Chairman, 1/10th. Off-Road Section).


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