

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Kilpailukutsu: Baltic Cup 2007, 27-29/07, Latvia

Aloittaja akaver, 20.06.07 - klo: 23.15


Website with all the info: http://www.rtpower.eu/bc/

Baltic Cup nitro outdoor race event
1st Baltic Cup race

    * This will be a very first off road race event in Baltic's where best of best drivers from around of Baltic Sea will take a challenge of racing nitro off road, good luck!
    * The race is an open outdoor race, and there is no need to any national licenses or membership of the EFRA. Except all drivers who race in Latvian championship must have a licenses. Licenses can be purchased www.laf.lv. Also licenses will be possible to purchase at race track.
    * All drivers must have own personal AMBrc transponder for timing and lap counting.
    * Due that we receive a great interest about this race, it might be a limited amount of drivers, but we will inform separately.
    * Grand prize for 1/8 buggy class will be OCM Kaos DT19 Pro kit!


    * 1/8 offroad buggy
    * 1/5&1/6 offroad
    * Monster trucks
    * Open offroad (truggy & others)

If in any of classes after 10th of July will be less than 8 registered drivers that class will be transferred to OPEN class.

    * Friday, 27th July - Practice
    * Saturtday, 28th July - Qualifying and Finals
    * Sunday, 29th July - Finals, if on race event will be more than 50 drivers

Time tables:

    * (will be released closer to event)

Race event entry fee:

    * prepayment Eur 10
    * at race track Eur 15