

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

VAROITUS: Reedy Quasar Pro #611

Aloittaja copter, 06.05.04 - klo: 15.19


LainaaProduct Safety Recall Notice:
#611 Reedy Quasar Pro Charger

Due to potential safety concerns, Associated Electrics is planning a voluntary recall of the Reedy #611 Quasar Pro Charger to begin on May 10, 2004

Two problems, a defective fuse and some program errors, make the charger unsafe to use, particularly in dry weather and with high capacity NiMH cells. Corrections for this problem have been developed, but until these corrections are applied the charger should not be used. If you have this charger, it is important that you discontinue its use immediately.

Please do not call Associated Electrics or your dealer. Plans for the recall have not been completed, so no one can assist you at this time. By the end of next week we will have toll-free numbers installed for this recall, and full instructions for returning your charger for correction will be posted here.

Associated Electrics, Inc.

Eli siis pikaisesti suomennettuna Reedy Quasar Pro latureissa on havaittu vika, joka saattaa tietyissä tilanteissa aiheuttaa vaaratilanteita ja tämän takia laturia ei tule käyttää toistaiseksi laisinkaan. Kaikki tämän malliset laturit tullaan tarkistamaan ja tästä tarkistuksesta tullaan jakamaan informaatiota myöhemmin, joten odottakaa uutta tietoa älkääkä alkako soittaa jälleenmyyjille taikka maahantuojille, he kyllä informoivat tilanteesta heti kun saavat lisätietoja. Tällä hetkellä he eivät pysty auttamaan. Alustavasti lisätietoja on saatavilla ensi viikon loppupuolella.

Lähde: http://www.teamassociated.com


Tässä hieman tarkempaa tietoa ongelmasta, ohjeet kuinka selvittää kuuluuko oma laturisi tähän vialliseen sarjaan sekä ohjeet kuinka menetellä viallisen laturin kanssa saadaksesi sen kuntoon (linkki lomakkeeseen joka täytyy täyttää). Valitettavasti nämä ovat englanniksi, toivottavasti kaikilla on kieli hallussa. ;)

LainaaProduct Safety Recall Notice:
#611 Reedy Quasar Pro Charger

Due to a potential safety concern, there is a voluntary recall of the Reedy
#611 Quasar Pro Charger.

Two problems, a defective fuse and a program error, make the charger unsafe
to use, particularly with high capacity NiMH cells. On rare occasions, an
internal component failure, or an external electrostatic discharge event
("Carpet Sparks"), can cause the charger to overcharge these battery packs.
This can result in leakage, overheating, or even explosive separation of
cells in the pack. We are aware of three cases involving the Quasar Pro
charger and GP3300 cells, where cells have exploded.

This recall applies to all #611 Quasar Pro Chargers manufactured up to
March 1, 2004. They can be identified by ay of the following:

1) Display shows "QUASAR PRO VERSION 1.0" when first turned on.
2) No barcode label on the underside of the charger.
3) A barcode label on the underside with the numbers "611" or "611A".

If you have this charger, you must discontinue its use immediately, and
contact Associated Electrics, Inc., to arrange for corrective service at no
charge to you.

Corrections for the problem have been developed and tested. New Quasar Pro
chargers, and chargers that have been corrected, are designated #611B, and
display "Version 2.1" when turned on.

Visit one of these URLs for the recall form you need to send in with your
http://www.teamassociated.com/611recall.pdf or

Associated Electrics, Inc.
3585 Cadillac Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(800) 518-7339
(800) 519-7339

In cooperation with the U. S. Consumer Products Safety Commission
LainaaProduct Safety Recall Notice:
#611 Reedy Quasar Pro Charger



Visit this URL for the recall form you need to send in with your charger:

Associated Electrics, Inc.
3585 Cadillac Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(800) 518-7339
(800) 519-7339

For tech support not related to the recall, please visit: