

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen

Durangolta Touring-auto: DETC410

Aloittaja Janne A, 07.01.13 - klo: 22.21

Janne A


LainaaTeam Durango super star racers are filling podium positions ever week all over the world in multiple classes. Team Durango are not only serious about racing, but also very serious about winning. For any manufacturer to win at the very highest level of RC motor sport it is essential that the very strongest and talented drivers are piloting their vehicles. At Team Durango we know what and who it takes to win, week in week out.

With this world class competition in mind, we are delighted to announce the signing of multiple world championship A final qualifier and touring car legend Elliott Harper. Elliott's young years belie his truly enigmatic ability behind the transmitter and his rich experience at the very top of his racing class will most definitely bring his Team Durango colleagues enormous inspiration.

Elliott is very excited about joining the ranks of world class racing stars who consistently drive Team Durango vehicles to the very pinnacle of RC's competitive scene. Elliott was kind enough to share these really inspiring words with us when asked how he felt about his new pro drivers racing contract,

"First of all, I would like to say a huge thank you to the whole of the TRF team, the last few years has been a great experience and it has been a pleasure working with you all!

As times move on, new opportunities arise and this has been the case with Team Durango. The commitment of Team Durango to their racing projects is second to none and I am confident that working with them will achieve many wins and great results. It is a pleasure to be a part of this established racing team. I am really looking forward to the coming years working with Team Durango and I have a lot of faith in the forthcoming DETC410 project. We will all work to provide the most competitive and user friendly touring car on the market! Watch this space....."

Elliott will join Team Durango current off-road junior star Michal Orlowski, who will also be signing as a pro team driver for the hotly anticipated Team Durango Touring Car Team. As Elliott so perfectly put, watch this space for the breaking news regarding Team Durango's first and feverishly anticipated season within the realms of world championship TC racing.

Stay tuned for more information about the Team Durango TC team very soon.

Hmm, didn't see this one coming.  :shocked:


Tämä oli mielenkiintoinen uutinen sekä uuden turistiauton osalta, että myös yllättävä Elliotin tallinvaihtoon liittyen.

Jännä nähdä minkälaisen turistin Durango pullauttaa markkinoille. Toivottavasti jotain peruslinjan mukaisesta tamiya/yokomo/xray/jne.jne.jne. mallista poikkeavaa.

Elliotin ja isänsä tuntien en usko, että he lähtisivät vaihtamaan merkkiä ellei uutuus myös autona olisi todella lupaava.
Infinity | Capricorn | CRC | Novarossi

Janne A

DETC410 - Team Durango TC Test run teaser

Tältä videolta näkee autosta jo melko paljon, kun pysäyttelee videota oikeassa kohtaa.
Hihnavetoinen ja aika perinteinen layout näyttäisi ainakin tässä autossa olevan.


Uutta fotoa:

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