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Links to Finnish Automobile Sports Federation and clubs

Aloittaja Filip Reuterberg, 08.02.13 - klo: 02.06

Filip Reuterberg


I am writing a guide to rc-car racing in Scandinavia (on http://rsb.se) and is looking for links to the Finnish Automobile Sports Federation for RC cars and the clubs.

I am also looking for a calender of upcoming Finnish races.

Could anyone be so kind to help me out with this task?

Your Sincerely
Filip Reuterberg
Radiostyrda Bilar - rsb.se


Hello Filip!

I tried to search those links that you mentioned. Unfortunatelly (and quite surprisingly too), all sites seem to be only in finnish!! Do you have any use for the links on finnish language sites?

br: Jyrki

Traxxas Slash Platinum, Team Associated sc10, Losi 8ight 3.0

Filip Reuterberg

Yes it is ok if the sites are only in Finnish. Thanks to google translate I can read Finnish sites to ;) I even managed to register here, even though it took a while to figure out what animal is the king of the forest is in Finland (In Sweden the moose is king of the forest ;)

The problem is that it's very hard to search for sites in Finnish but if I have the link to them it will not be a problem to read them.

If you could help me with a link to the auto federation (car sport federation for RC cars,for example in Sweden it is http://www.sbf.se and the rc federation in Sweden in http://www.radiostyrdbilsport.nu) and also one or more clubs that have a link-page for Finnish clubs.

It would be nice to have some sites to read about what is happening in Finland that I can post on RSB.se. My goal is to add all competitions in Scandinavia in the Calendar.


National "umbrella organization" of motorsports.

Minicars club of Oulu area.

Motorsports club of Vaasa.

There are a few webpages you might be interested in. There are more but I can't recall them just now.

EDIT: hauska kirjoitusvirhe korjattu ;)


Yes, it's certainly very difficult to find right sites in finnish. I quess some west coast located clubs may heve their sites also in swedish but other than that it's only finnish.

Information about upcoming finnish races can be found here:


There are included pdf-files (kisakalenteri means something like clandar of races  :smiley: )

And from here you can find information about Helsinki-area club:


I hope this will help you a bit.

Traxxas Slash Platinum, Team Associated sc10, Losi 8ight 3.0

Filip Reuterberg