

Tämä on testisivusto, data on otettu foorumilta 6.2.2025. Mikään täällä tehty muutos ei tule automaattisesti mukaan varsinaiseen SMF-versionnostoon, vaan niistä on kommunikoitava minun kanssani erikseen. 12.2.2025 H Luomanen


Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Näytä viestit valikko

Viestit - RandoMere

Hello Finnish friends,

We are happy to invite you to our clubracing series in Saue, Estonia.
We would be honored to host you at our humble, but possibly the nicest looking indoor onroad track in Europe. Expect to have a nice relaxed clubracing atmosphere instead of hardcore by the book regulations driven racing. We emphasize on RC racing being above all fun and affordable, and everyone, at any skill level is welcome.

Please note that our races are organized so you can take the first Tallink ferry from Helsinki on Sunday and be back in Helsinki the same day, should you prefer not to enjoy Estonias nightlife. If there are more than two racers coming on same ferry we will organize free transport from Harbour to track and back, so you can leave your car in Finland and save some money on ferry tickets also.

You can read all the information about our more serious WinterCup series (where the main class is 1:10 stock) on our english website: http://www.hobizone.eu/racing-series/onroad-wintercup

Or you are welcome to participate at what is possibly the most fun racing format of them all, slowmoSUNDAY. Proudly invented at Saue HOBIzone: http://www.hobizone.eu/racing-series/slowmosunday

See you in Estonia.
Hi Mölli. This year, the landing areas will be alot longer since we are building all the jumps from scratch, also the jumps are covered with carpet to provide more grip.
As if 12 hours of continuous driving is not enough, we decided to do it overnight.

If you are interested in participating in what's probably the toughest endurance race in the region you are welcome to sign up for the last race of WinterCup series, the biggest RC racing series in Estonia.

Class: Open class for maximum 1:10 scale onroad
Drivers: Up to three drivers per team
Car restriction: Max two cars allowed, one of them must be kept in parc-fermee at all times.
Racing time: 12 hours non stop from 23:00 to 11:00
When: 11. April 2015 til 12. April 2015
Starting fee: 100€ per team includes catering, snacks, coffe etc.

Are you ready for the challenge? Hook up with us on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/403356969835406/

And visit our website: www.hobizone.eu

It's a great pleasure for me to invite follow drivers from Finland to participate in Estonian indoor offroad racing series. We have a nice permanent carpet track (for you) in Väike-Maarja. It's located just 120km from Tallinn and just over 20km from Rakvere, a nice small town with great spa's (for your girlfriends;)) and shopping possibilities.

I'm glad to say that our local drivers have improved alot over the past year and top drivers in here will surely be giving you good competition and nice fair racing. Please bear in mind, that the track is 100% carpet (with plywood jumps) so very high grip and most drivers prefer Schumacher minipin (yellow compound) tires that are also available on site.

The two main classes we are running are:
1:10 2wd electric (Locals only run buggy, but SC and truck allowed if you wish to participate)
1:8 electric
and as a filler class 1:10 4wd (only two local drivers)

Competitions take place:
• 07.12.2013 3.stage
• 11.01.2014 4.stage
• 08.02.2014 5.stage
• 08.03.2014 6.stage
• 12.04.2014 7.stage
• 26.04.2014 Endurance (1/10 2wd Buggy)

Registration can either be done through our web portal http://www.register.modelcar.ee or by email bruno.vaher@hobi.ee.
Competition fees is 20 Eur first class and if you drive more than one class, then every second class costs 15 eur.

We are timing with AMB transponders that can be rented on site if you don't have your own. The temperature in racing hall is around 15 degrees so it makes great sense to bring your hoodie.

We have little cafe, where you can buy coffee/tea, pies and sodas. We serve lunch advance registration
(in place to the competition day).
Trackview and our homepage is http://vm.hobi.ee
Facebook fanpage: http://www.hobi.ee
Google maps link: https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q=V%C3%A4ike-Maarja%2C+V%C3%A4ike-Maarja+vald%2C+Eesti+Vabariik&data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d26.250669!3d59.126972!2m2!1f120.62!2f84.67!4f75!2m7!1e1!2m2!1sCtJlyze8653fpqigmkiGfw!2e0!5m2!1sCtJlyze8653fpqigmkiGfw!2e0!4m15!2m14!1m13!1s0x469368b61044908b%3A0x400b36d18fc6800!3m8!1m3!1d1786!2d24.8083725!3d59.427062!3m2!1i1024!2i676!4f13.1!4m2!3d59.1294035!4d26.2522572&fid=5

Important contacts
Track owner: Bruno Vaher - bruno.vaher@hobi.ee.
If you feel like calling and want to talk Finnish, I will help you out:
Rando Mere - rando@hobi.ee - +372 55 26 421

If anyone could help me translate this text into Finnish I would really appreciate it, while I understand and can talk in Finnish, it's very difficult for me to write it.

Nähtään Virossa,
Rando Mere
Dear racers,

Due to too much snow, the race has been moved to MRC indoor hall where we had our indoor season two years ago (see track here: http://mrc.ee/).

You are most welcome to participate, starting fee will be 60 eur per team of two. Due to late changes.
Next race will take place on 4.december 2010.

Please see race invitation here:
Usually we have had six races from october to march. This year we will have three races, first is the Laitse Endurance, second is planned as a city race in Tallinn center on a temporary track in december, third is not yet planned but will be in february. Unfortuneatly I can't give any dates yet, as those depend on great number of factors.
Only reference I can give is that when planning a race the first date in our mind is second saturday of the month (this has been the race date for WinterCup races for past five years), but if force majeure happens (such as for the endurance race, correct date would be 9'th October, but as the rostrum will not be in a usable state for this date we had to move the race for next week.

The rostrum as it was this saturday.

Any intrest in the race from Finland? If there will be some teams attending I suppose we could organize free ferry tickets for you.
Hi everyone,

As always, we will be racing Nitro cars in Estonia during wintertime also (It's warm in South you know ;))

We will begin our winter racing at the fastest offroad track in Estonia, Laitse (40km from Tallinn). First leg will be Endurance race in teams of two.
Please see the race invitation (in english) for more information.

Also have a look at the drivers list.

Should you have any questions regarding the race, please do not hesitate to ask, in finnish if you wish.

Best Regards,
Rando Mere

nyt see toimii.


Track as it was on 5.10.2009.
vain nelja suomalaista on ilmoittanut. Ma olen jo sanoinnut Viroin poikalle et tämä kerta varma Virolaiset en pystyy ajamaan finalissa koska noin moda suomalaista tule, mut nyt näkee, et finalipaikka on mahtollinen.
Lainaus käyttäjältä: mmrc - 21.11.07 - klo: 20.50
Kai täällä pitäis Suomenkielellä kirjoittaa.

Anteeksi mut en osannut kirjoitta suomenkiellella mika halusin sano Raulille.

Jouni, en ole näynnyt pitkä aika, oletko tulossa kisoille?

Also, if you are coming to race, please send your registraration information (Name, frequency, transponder number, engine and car brand) to randomere@hot.ee
Lainaus käyttäjältä: redwing - 12.11.07 - klo: 14.43

PS: Kui pinna vibroplaadiga läbi laseks, saaks rajast veel parema!
Ja rada võiks olla kogu halli suurune.

Teemat arutasime, hetkeotsus jäi see, et kogu halli täis panna ei õnnestu sest a) pukk läheb liiga kaugele, ning nähtavus sinise suitsu tõttu jääb lõpus olematuks b) kui pukk liigutada küljele siis kaotame niigi ainult 20,5m laiast maneezist veel 2 meetrit laiust (ehk ühe sõiduraja). Tulemuseks oleks lähes ainult 180 kraadised kurvid. Aga ettepanekuid võib alati teha ning kõiki me kindlasti ka arutleme, pole võimatu et hea ventilatsiooni saabumisel (alatine sisevõistluste häda minumeelest) liigub pukk kaugemale ja rada muutub suuremaks, aga lubadusi ei anna.

Vibroplaadist on vähe abi, sest pinnas on pehme ning teda kokku pressida pole eriti võimalik, saepuru jääb alati õhuliseks, küll uurin maad ja võimalusi saepuru (õigemini täitepinnase) eemaldamiseks, et jõuda kohe paekivituhani mis on kõva kui vana kurat.

Ja Raul, nüüd küsimus. Kas tõlgin mina (vot see saaks olema kole) või sina :)
Second race of the season "HoBao Indoor Challenge 2007" is now held. Niko Andersson and some friends were participating so we hope to hear thoughts about the race.

Next race will be held on 8. december.

Accommodation on racesite costs 30eur for 2 person room with single bed, Niko can give you a quote on price of Hotel Džingel that is approx 5km from city center and 5km from track.

I suppose it would be cheaper to use taxy for suchs short trips rather than bringing your own car to Estonia but I cant be sure.

Nähtään joulukuussa.

Greetings to all racers,
I'm sorry for writing in englkish, but if I did try to write finnish you would end up reading something that you could make no sence of :) so here goes.

As the time passes, we have once again found ourselves reacing the end of offroad seasons and thus approaching the dark and cold winter. But real offroad racers dont care of bad weather, snow, ice and sometimes water, they are outside racing...
This is how the winter usually came in the Baltics, but this scenario is now history as we are over and done with this type of racing. HOBI.ee in co-operation with autopilots.lv and rc-cars.lt are proud to present you the Estonian winter racing series. WinterCup 2007|2008. No more will we defy the forces of nature risking our health, cars and electronics. We are happy to inform all the racers and spectators that the legendary race-series (that will be raced for the fourth season) has decided to move indoors, for the whole season! We hope that by taking off the risk factors associated with the forces of nature we should experience some of the finest racing ever seen in the Baltic region.

Location: HOBI.ee racetrack @ Järve Horse Manege, Harjumaa (near Tallinn)
Track: Different layout for each race on an area of 60x25m
Surface: soft and changing top layer, with concrete base
Racers comfort: Indoor racing (with ventilation); indoor pitting (with tables for no less than 25 racers); cafeteria with hot and cold food and drinks; Wifi; TV; WC; Sauna; 220 and 12V availeable. Accomodation possibilities in the same house with the track and all the infrastructure.
Calendar: one day races on every second saturday of each month from october to march, 6 races total, five best to count.
Classes: 1:8 IC Buggy; Truggy, 1:6 offroad; Open
(all semifinals 15 minutes, all mains 30 minutes, except Open class, where three 5 minute mains will be run (electric class style))
Regulations: Race will be run according to EFRA regulations. Individual class rules to be announced.
Racefee: 250kr/~16eur, for racers of under 16 years of age, racefee will be 150kr/~10eur
Timing: AMB rc3 timing system to be used with personal transponders. Rental transponders availeable at a cost of 150kr/~10eur. For racers under 16 years of age rental transponders cost 50kr/~3eur

Warm-up? - September 2007!
Keep looking back for more information.
Sponsors welcome."

Rando Mere
Video from the race. Author: Georg Liigand @ Skyfilm productions

Voitaja pidäs olla ilmassa!


Olis tosi hyvä nähtään Hoke ja Niko täällää ajamassa. Oleteko tulossa vimeiselle kisalle myöski? Jos on mahtollinen otta ka koko Team HoBao Finaland mukanaa.
Hoke, oliko hauska krapula?
HoBao-HPI WinterCup 2005/2006 fourth race will take place near city of Kose (Roogoja) on 14. january 2006.

Date: 14.january 2006
Place: Roogoja RC racing track near city of Kose (Map and driving directions: http://www.hobi.ee/up/failid/roogoja_racetrack.pdf)
End of registration: 9.00
Timing: AMB (Handout transponders, Personal ponders can't be used)
Fee: 150 eek (~ 10 eur - can be paid in EUR also)

Race director: Rando Mere
Timer: Tanel Kärp
Speaker: Tanel Kärp
Track Manager: Andres Kivistik
Ass. Track Manager: Taavi Kivistik
Tech. Inspection: to be confirmed
Radio impound: to be confirmed
Official cameraman: Georg Liigand, Skyfilm productions

Please send your registrations before 9.january, there will be no onsite registrations. Racingfee will be paid on spot.
Registration form can be found here: http://www.hobi.ee/in/
Not that you have to be at racetrack before 9:00 to receive your details about race. First heat starts at 9:30

NB. Organisers reserve right to deny racers wish to race for club class cup dependant on his/hers previous results.

Prizes: First 3 of Monster Truck and first 3 of 1:8 Rallycross will receive cups + 2 best club class drivers in 1:8 Rallycross receive cups + best young driver receives cup. Prizes are donated by Elitec solutions. Winner of wintercup in 1:8 rallycross class will receive the HoBao flagship model Hyper 8 PRO, overall winner in MT class will receive a HPI Savage SS with s-25 engine.

HoBao - www.hobao.fi
HPI - www.hpi.ee
Elitec solutions - www.elitec.ee
Kayser Grupp OÜ
Eurovara - www.eurovara.ee

Note for MT racers: Your car has to comply to all the rules set to specific class. As an exeption, it is allowed to race with 1:10 scale cars, racers that drive 1:10 cars are not competeing for the overall win of MT class though.

Have a look at last races video also: http://www.hobi.ee/up/failid/wc06_3_buggyf_keskmine.wmv
moi Jerry, long time no talk! What's up with the 25 minute video? perhaps it takes time to buffer, because I made this video fro CD, and decided to put it in the net also... TOo lazy to encode a new (smaller) one...

ne keltaiset renkat ovat joku OFNA halpa auto stock renkaat (ma en ole varma mutta voi olla et ne on HoBao renkaat). pito on hyvä.
HoBao-HPI WinterCup 2005/2006 3rd race video, Viro, Roogoja racetrack

Oli hyvä kisa, seurava kerta, jos on mahtollinen saako tulla lisa porukka Suomesta?

1:8 buggy final: http://www.hobi.ee/up/failid/wc06_3_buggyf_keskmine.wmv
HoBao-HPI WinterCup 2005/2006 third race will take place near city of Kose (Roogoja) on 10. november 2005.

Date: 10.detsember 2005
Place: Roogoja RC racing track near city of Kose (Map and driving directions: http://www.hobi.ee/up/failid/roogoja_racetrack.pdf)
End of registration: 9.00
Timing: AMB (Handout transponders, Personal ponders can't be used)
Fee: 150 eek (~ 10 eur - can be paid in EUR also)

Race director: Rando Mere
Timer: Tanel Kärp
Speaker: Tanel Kärp
Track Manager: Andres Kivistik
Ass. Track Manager: Taavi Kivistik
Tech. Inspection: to be confirmed
Radio impound: to be confirmed
Official cameraman: Gerog Liigand, Skyfilm productions

Please send your registrations before 5.december, there will be no onsite registrations. Racingfee will be paid on spot.
Registration form can be found here: http://www.hobi.ee/in/
Not that you have to be at racetrack before 9:00 to receive your details about race. First heat starts at 9:30

NB. Organisers reserve right to deny racers wish to race for club class cup dependant on his/hers previous results.

Prizes: First 3 of Monster Truck and first 3 of 1:8 Rallycross will receive cups + 2 best club class drivers in 1:8 Rallycross receive cups + best young driver receives cup. Prizes are donated by Elitec solutions. Winner of wintercup in 1:8 rallycross class will receive the HoBao flagship model Hyper 8 PRO, overall winner in MT class will receive a HPI Savage SS with s-25 engine.

Note for MT racers: Your car has to comply to all the rules set to specific class. As an exeption, it is allowed to race with 1:10 scale cars, racers that drive 1:10 cars are not competeing for the overall win of MT class though.
If you want to race but didnt manage to send your application on 5.th of december, please do send your application, I will do my best to get you into racing.
Jiri and Jari, we are also playing RC Bingo, more information here:
Jos kuka tarvi majoituksen, sitten ma saa löytä joku paikka, täälä on üksi hieno paika ihan radan lähella ja mondagi paika Tallinnassa.
Meilla käy myöski RC Bingo, olkaa hyvä ja laitakaa itsen ongelma tuolla listaan.

Seurava WinterCup tule Tallinnan lähella 12. november (marraskuu?), Niko sanos et hän laita kilpailukutsuu, mutta ma et ole viella näunnut tämä.
tuloksia on mun tietokonessa ja see on varma Pärnu kaupunkissa. Tuloksia tule ihan kohta, kun ma saa see taakse.
Kuinka see kisa tuntuu? Oleteko tulossa seurava kerta?

Monsterin miehet, WinterCup voitajaa saa HPI SS autosarja, tulla kaa ajamaan Viron.